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Database design (draft)

Code and design aided by Prof. Scharff (thanks!)

E-mail me any suggestions for improvements

To be implemented into so it can be accessible when user is online. If we have trouble doing that, then the database would be implemented locally on the computer that's being run on. (Download the Oracle9i 9.0.1 JDBC Thin Driver to use, I think. See also: How to use Oracle JDBC drivers (for Oracle9i Release 1 (9.0.1))


The SQL code of the tables and simple test cases are here (don't paste the comments when you run it)

3 tables of data: Class, Student, Registration

In table Class, it will contain 12 columns of information (note that there are only 2 meetings for each class section to reduce the number of columns and simplify the complexity of the program):

In table Student, it will have 6 columns of information:

The Registration table records the classes the student registered. It will have 2 columns of information:

Draft last updated: March 26, 2002

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