::6-28-02::** HCW showed it's dominance during the PPV: Excessive Force. I am proud to say I am proud to say I am owner of the HCW from its showing at Excessive Force. Maniac wins/retains the HCW TV title, and Cane retains most of his gold, all in all a great night for the HCW. The Warp Zone card will take place next Wednesday with a couple of slight changes to it. And seeing as how my computer sucks big dick/cock I'm going to cut this short. | |
UWF Main | |
IWF Main | |
HCW Application | |
Rules/Regulations | |
Roleplay Board | |
Interfed Roleplay Board | |
OOC Roleplay | |
Hall of Champions | |
Hall of Fame | |
HCW Locker Room | |
| |
Wednesday Warpzone Card | |
Interfed PPV: Excessive Force Results | |
UWF: Tuesday Thrashing | |
IWF: Friday Fury | |