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Rules and What to Expect

I have a few simple rules, to keep things safe and enjoyable. I always use condoms, including for oral - both for your sake and mine. I will visit any reputable hotel or motel within 10 km of the CBD (central buisness district). I do have a regular day job so my hours of availability on are between noon and 3 am Saturdays, noon and 8 pm on Sundays and on weekdays between 4 pm and 8 pm, except on Fridays when I am available until 3 am. On Mondays I am completely unavailable. Overnight appointments are for my "regulars" only. I would prefer a phone number, so I can ring you in case something prevents me from attending an appointment in the case of an emergency (I assure you, this is quite rare). I would also appreciate it if you email me a photograph, so I know what to expect. I have the right to leave an appointment at any time, but I will not usually do so unless I feel unwell or unsafe. I also have the right not continue an appointment if you are drunk, under the influence of drugs or behaving in a violent or rude manner. I will not give you my phone number, but I have MSN Messenger. These rules are non-negotiable, as I am an escort of distinction and dignity and I prefer to act in that manner. :-)

If you make an appointment, I'll arrive at our agreed meeting place at the scheduled time. I will never be more than a few minutes late and am usually a little early. Generally I will arrive at the meeting dressed in a business suit, so in all appearances it will seem as though we're having a business discussion or on a the weekend a friendly get-together. I prefer to meet at a nearby bar or café so that we can chat and have a drink. If for some reason you prefer not to proceed at this stage, then that totally fine and you will not have to pay. If we are both comfortable and happy with one another, you will next go up to your room. I will follow you a few minutes later.

This little routine is for the sake of public appearances and so that we are able to get aquainted free of pressure and in the safety of others. If you are a "regular", the opening ritual is usually skipped.