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Minutes For The April 26, 2007 Meeting

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The meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m.

#1-Visitor's Food Vendor Services-Concerns have been raised regarding the vending company's license to sell fresh food outside of te vending machines. Business Services is currently reviewing the vendor's contract ans license. If it is determined that the selling of fresh items, such as apples, grapes, is not covered unde the license, it will be stopped.

#3-Visiting Rooms-(e New item:Ceiling tiles in Facility B visiting are in need of replacemen. D. Long, Associate Warden, will survey the area and follow through with Plant Operations if necessary.

#4-Family Visiting Issues-(d) Survey forms received during April have indicated positive changes in the Family Visiting Program. There are still food & equipment issues to be addressed. The survey will be continues as the results provide feedback regarding the overall program. (e) New Items: Dish soap and portable fans are needed in all of the Family Visiting Units. These needs will be relayed to the Fmily Visiting Officer as well as instruction to order new mattresses & edding (blankets and pillows) for the units.

#5-Facility A Mural-The painting of the mural in Facility A visiting room will be referred to the newly hired Arts Facilitator. The Arts Facilitator will also be requested to evaluate the need for new murals in the other visiting rooms as well.

#11-Recycling Funds-The differences in recycling programs between Ironwood State Prison and MCSP were discussed, as well as the involvement of Friends Outside. Tis issue will be investigated further by J. Reed and C. Weathersbee and will be reported at the next meeting.


Children's Videos-The Public Performance License necessary for the showing of children's videos in the visiting rooms expired on February 28, 2007. The videos wre removed from the visiting rooms pending renewal of the license. There was a delay in receiving donations from the inmates; however, the $325.00 needed has been obtained, and the license is in the process of being renewed. The visiting rooms will be restocked with the children's videos as soon as the license renewal precess is finalized. Visitors ae reminded that donated videos are accepted; however, must be G-rated or Disney PG-rated only.