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Page 2 Of April Meeting Minutes


Visiting Voice Mail-The Visiting Department has yet to pst visiting information in Spanish on the institution's telephone system. This will be done as soon as possible.

Canteen Issues-Concerns were previously raised regarding the ack of available items for inates goingto canteen on third draw. It was noted that n similar issues have been raised by the Men's Advisor Council or received through the 602 appeal process. I discussions with canteen managers, however, it was learned thatnew items are sometimes allowed to be sold out in order to determine popularity. The Business ServicesManager, R. Neuschmid, will be monitoring available stock between second and third draws to determine if shortages are occurring.


Delays In Medication

Delays in the filling of medication prescriptions and in automatic refills have been reported. The Warden stated that the medical program, including Pharmacy, is currently undergoing a PLATA audit. The results of the audit will be discussed at the next meeting, and will include findings relating to Pharmacy andthe despensing of medication.


Water conservation has become a State-wide issue withi the Department. The installation of toilet flushometers is now under bid. Other institutions, High Desert specifically, iscurrently installing low-flow shower heads as well as shower timers, limiting the amount of water used. The budget proposals currently waiting the Governor's signature contain funds designated for MCSP's waste water treatment plant. Improvements in the water treatment plant are tied to the expansion of theLevel 1 facility to house Level 11 inmates. Due to the enormity of construction needed for Level 11 housing, however, this project maybe elayed until completion of the water treatment plant.

The conversion of C Facility's gymnasium from Level 11 to Level 111 inmates is approximately one-third complete. Review of Level 11 inmates eligible fortransfer continues. Retro-fitting of all the cell-doors is scheduled to begin in July. Tis project requires one housing unit to be completely empty. Approximately 200 Level 111 inmates will be transfered between now and then; the remaining population will be moved to different buildings asthe project advances.

Transfer methods and eligibility criteria were discussed. Famiy hardship and inmate's willingness and ability to program arefactors considered before transfer.


Agenda items for the next meeting were discussed. The 2006 IFC Bylaws will be reviewed by Council members and suggested revision prsented at the next meeting. It was also requeste that the vending company attend to discuss the prices of vending machine items. At the request of the Council, a time will be arranged prior to the next meeting during which the Council members can tour the various visiting rooms as well as the family visiting units. C. Weathersbee will make the necessary arrangements for this to occur.

The next meeting of the IFC will be held on Friday, June 29, 2007.

IFC Members Present:

J. Schrichfield, Co-Chair, C Yar; J. Reed, A Yard; D. Grimes, B Yard; P. Vail, C Yard.

Staff Present:

R. Subia, Waden (A); D. Long, Associate Warden, Central Services; C. Weathersbee, PIO/Administrative Assistant; N. Ginsburg, OT, Visiting

The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m