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January 26, 2006
Shut Up Frank!!!
Hello and welcome to the journal. I know I was thinking of dedicating a whole journal to this crap, but I believe they are not worth my time or energy so just to say it, yes I am off of WRLR and it was a bullshit situation where politicians, egos, jealousy, collided. So someone had to take a walk, and I guess the ax falls on me. If they feel eliminating me is going to help the station well so be it. I guess I am not a good fit for the Round Lake community and I don’t have common sense. (So I was told at a meeting.) Well no policies or rules were ever given to me except stay in the lines of the FCC, which I did, but I guess the Round Lake Community doesn’t like a morning show that is targeted towards younger adults. I wanted to say thanks to some of the people there who have helped with our show just to help and not for their own selfish means. You know who you are, and I will succeed somewhere where I can be appreciated for my hard work. So stay tuned for that, in the meantime…

Frank fucking Thomas. Please shut your fucking mouth. Here we go again. Act 5…thousand of the drama we have come to know and love as “the big hurt.”

Anyone who follows baseball and is a Sox fan knows the deal. Jim Thome was signed and Paulie was resigned so this left Frank out of the loop. They really didn’t have a place for him, so the Sox bought out the remainder of his contract and then Frankie becomes a free agent. Recently he signs with Oakland for $550k for one year. And then instead of being gracious that some team out there was to take on his old, injured, ass for a year, he runs his mouth.

"He was more injured than I was last year. And they guaranteed him all that money. What's the logic behind it? He never has done anything that I haven't done on a baseball field.'' This is Frank on Jim Thome. There is one thing Thome hasn’t done and that is bitch and cry every time he doesn’t get his way. Thome has out hit Thomas for the last three years. If you add up the numbers and average them out for the last three years besides 2005 when both guys were injured, Thomas has an average of 29 HR versus Thome’s 47. Thome averages about 118 RBIs a season while the Big Hurt does about 82, and their averages are very close with Thome at .281 while Thomas at .262. And let’s not forget Thomas was injured for the later part of 2004 as well. Thomas is injured a lot and doesn’t bounce back as fast as Thome does and Thome although many can call him old versus Aaron Rowand, he is two years younger than Frank Thomas.

I can understand Frank being hurt by the decision, but then he goes on to talk about how Jerry Reinsdorf should have called him before buying out the contract. This isn’t about disrespect, it is about business. And business says Frank Thomas did one of three things every time he came to the plate this past year, strike out, pop out, or hit a homer. He can’t move that fast because of his ankle. If Frank Thomas feels so disrespected, I guess letting him hold the World Series trophy was bullshit. I guess letting him speak at the parade was bullshit. And most of all, letting him throw the first pitch during the Divisional series, and putting him in the lineup so his name could be called during the World Series? Oh my God, they really shit on him.

Well maybe it was bullshit because Frank says that the Sox made him do it. “I wouldn’t have done that stuff if I knew I was leaving.” And then he goes on to do the whole Sammy Sosa affair. “Not to toot my own horn, there are a lot of great players over there, a great pitching staff, but the core of that team has changed; they lost nine players off that team.” Let’s see Rowand, Everett, Blum, Marte, Hernandez, Viscaino, who else? Well gee half of those people Chicago would have loved to see go anyway. Not only do the Sox have Thome, but now Javier Vazquez who is an awesome addition to a great starting staff as well.

I think Frank is pissed because he knows in the long run, the Sox rule the world, and he isn’t a part of that anymore. But we all know in a few years, he’ll get over it when the Sox retire his number, have a nice big ceremony, and give him his props because he is without a doubt one of the most memorable people on this team. Not because of his whining and bitching, but because he could kick some ass on the team, and he will be a fixture in White Sox history. Many of us fans hate to see him go, but could we expect Frank to leave quietly. Yeah I didn’t think so either.

GO SOX 2006
