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February 2, 2005
Fear Controls the Climate
Welcome to another edition of J^2. Although there are many juicy topics coming up, like Sammy Sosa’s departure from the worst team in baseball to the whole W social security smokescreen, we are on the eve of the Superbowl. I thought it would be great to discuss what was the beginning of a witch hunt that has many people in the media on their toes.

It was quite harmless actually. Janet Jackson having a cup of her top ripped off by Justin Timberlake. You barely saw anything. And if you did, you had the pleasure of a piercing covering the nipple. However many people were so offended by this. I don’t get it. Maybe someone can explain.

"Those few seconds started a renewed obsession with perceived public indecency in this country," said University of Southern California communications professor Marty Kaplan (1).

So OK, why this incident? Explain Mr. Kaplan.

"Since the Janet Jackson episode, there has been a witch-hunt atmosphere going on in this country, which has to do with our puritan history,(2)"

So I see. So instead of our country making progress, we are regressing. We are going back to the days of the Puritans where they would burn witches at the stake. Who are the witches? The people in the world that have something to say. Are they becoming witches because some idiot decided it would be fun to show their tit on national television during the Superbowl which for all intended purposes can be considered as one of the biggest stages on Earth.

Before this incident, there were some others that could have been the measuring stick for the FCC to follow with not just TV but radio as well:

So my question is considering everything above, why is it the super bowl has created a police state mentality for our country? People are afraid to speak up now more than ever. It may have something to do with the red/blue state bullshit the media has been talking about so much lately.

Think about it. The conservative mentality says if you speak against GW, you are a traitor. If you question anything our government is doing, you are a Al Qaeda operative. We want you to have a nice house, with two kids, two cars, two car garage, white fence, blah, blah, blah. That is your role as a patriotic American. Do not fuck with this.

We now live in a country where network affiliates are afraid to show “Saving Private Ryan.” A movie that celebrates war, which is something we have endured as a country to protect freedom (so they use as a tagline for Iraq.) We live in a country where people freak out about making fun of the Tsunami. Yes, I know many people died, but let’s get a fucking life. Satire is satire. We tiptoe around everyone nowadays.

If someone is white they make fun of someone who is black, it’s racism. If it is reverse, it’s comedy in the eyes of many. One of the biggest myths out there is that everything offends blacks. They have a sense of humor too, and if the stunt or bit is not degrading or depicts them in a negative manner and is in good fun, they will not make a fuss about it. It is quite racist to believe that they flip out about everything. In other words, the black community doesn’t have a hang up with race, the majority of white America does.

And look at the way things are right now. Nicolette Sheridan disrobes from a towel and jumps into Terrell Owens arms. Ooooh scary. Vince Neil drops an F-bomb and says “Happy Fucking New Year.” Call the morality police. Our 10 o’clock news depicts more violence in 5-10 minutes than an entire episode of CSI. Reality may be the real offender here. After all, a reality show was fined $1 million dollars for indecency. They are the shows that really push the envelope. However I think it all comes down to one factor. The shows will be there because they bring revenue for lots of people. Many products get sold, many stars are made, and you know the whole song and dance.

Bottom line, we need to loosen up a little here. We are going from the land of the free to we have a big piece of shit stuck up our ass called morality. You define morality. You know the difference between right and wrong. You know you have a wife and you shouldn’t stick your dick in another woman. You know if that a co-worker pisses you off, it isn’t really polite to shoot him in the face with an AK 47 the next day. You know if you need money, you don’t go to the liquor store and rob it. You know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, left and right, Heckle and Jekyll. Blah, blah, blah blah fuckedy blah.

It is a shame that our government and the FCC believe that America doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong. It also is quite sad that the government forgot that most human being possess something called freewill and parenting skills. It is up to the parents to decide what is right for their children. If someone finds something offensive, they will change the channel and watch something else. Do entertainers influence people, absolutely. Especially kids. That is why you need to take them aside and beat them. Anyone who thought I was serious fits the above paragraph. Of course you don’t beat your kids. If I have to tell you that, I can give you the number of a good shrink before you hurt yourself and others around you.

Back to topic, seriously, you need to help your children understand that there is more to life that bitches and hos. The media has always had things on it that offend people, but what some people find offensive, I can find you people that don’t. I have a solution to this that I can propose to America. Instead of letting government, special interests, and the FCC do your job as a parent and give them more power than they already have, you need to raise your kids and tell them all those people who try to tell you are not doing a good job to go fuck themselves. If you really are bothered by something on TV, change the channel. In this day an age there are about 400 to choose from. When someone decides to watch offensive programming, it is a choice. No one is putting a fucking gun to your head telling you to watch it. Take the power back, change the channel. Thank you.

Remember, in case I forgot, the Superbowl is coming. I got the Eagles+10. Later. MJ

Works cited

1,2 “Nipplegate Sparks U.S. Puritanism” December 24, 2004
3 “Janet’s Revelation No Crime” CBS News website February 1, 2004
