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February 3, 2004

Hello there all. It is a day after Groundhog Day and we kept quoting Groundhog Day yesterday on Regime. I don’t know why. It was quite silly, but anyway it was funny. What a crazy ass week. All this hoopla over a breast. I will talk about that later. For now some random thoughts for you.

I saw Monster this past weekend and it was a pretty decent movie. I must say though Charlize Theron does an amazing job in that movie. I always thought she was a good actress, but this was a very good job. She definitely is one of my favorite actresses because she really becomes her characters, and that was for sure the case here.

George W Bush, the man, the myth, the legend. The legend of sleepy swallow. This man is a full-fledged imbecile. It’s official. The budget is at a $500 billion deficit. So he wants to plan 10% of the budget to go towards defense, 15% of it to go to homeland security, and 3% of it to education. Look here, just because you partied and didn’t learn anything in school on daddy’s dime doesn’t mean you should mess it up for future generations.

People are struggling in school and teachers should be paid more money. For one, they are forced to deal with people who do not want to learn. Two, they feed minds with knowledge. People learn things from teachers. You know, if teachers were given more respect (the good ones, I understand that this country has a share of bad ones.) Our educational morale would go up and they would work harder to make things happen.

Then from a student standpoint, the costs of education now of horrendous. What’s more, there are now special programs being put into place to help make higher education affordable. I made $34k last year and I have to pay for a townhouse, car, food; all the basic needs most people do, and my education expenses for the year are $16k. That’s 47% of all the money I made in one year. That means half my income is going towards education. It shouldn’t have to be like that. I bet you’ll give Pel grants and shit to the rich all day long, wouldn’t you? Oh, that’s right. You don’t care what students have to say. That’s why we are in Iraq right now. The majority of this country said no war, and you turned your back.

Speaking about Bush, there is no democratic candidate that can stand up to him. Dean would have been my first choice, but his out of line remarks have gotten him into the trick bag. I don’t trust Kerry. There is something about him. Maybe because he has been accused of taking money from big business to finance his campaign and says he doesn’t. This is coming mainly from Edwards. I think he needs to fulfill proof, but I don’t see Kerry suing for slander either.

What the hell is up with Robert Blake stealing a homeless person’s guitar and singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in front of the courthouse? Listen Blake, your days of acting are over with. Get over it. Now you need to learn how to act like a homosexual in jail. Wait, that is unfair of me to say. You're being accused of murder. You’re innocent right? Yeah, everyone in Shawshank is innocent too.

Have you ever sat down and watched Fear Factor? What is this guy Joe Rogan’s problem? He always seems to be full of himself. I don’t know, just a vibe I pickup from him. I watch him scream and yell at people to eat animal parts. If that were me, I’d throw the shit at him and say, “you eat it asshole!”

Now, let’s talk about Superboob, oops I mean Superbowl Sunday. My take on this whole mess with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Do I believe it was planned? Yes and so what. People are making more of a big deal about this than it has to be. I am not by any means a fan or supporter of either one of those two. Nevertheless, do we really have to beat this issue up? The camera quickly flashed off of Janet when it happened. Who cares? CBS shouldn’t be punished for irresponsible television. They should be fined for putting Survivor on after the Superbowl, and creating another season of that crap.

Everyone sees a breast in some point of his or her life. Whether it’s when your mother is feeding you, or when you are feeding a stripper. Whether it is your first time getting laid, or your first time watching sex on TV. She had a piercing of some sort on her breast; it wasn’t even a clear nipple shot. Mistakes do happen. Britney’s breast popped out during some awards ceremony, which was a children’s show. Did anyone question that? I believe things are being taken way too seriously here, but I believe someone needs to slap Justin Timberlake around a little.

Timberlake says it was supposed to expose a red bra. Can I ask what the hell is the point of that? You know what your were doing you ball grabbing bitch. You wanted to expose her chest. The look of shock on Janet’s face says it all. I don’t think she knew it was going to go down that way, but you did. You making all your jokes on Access Hollywood. Just be a man and admit it. Stop “Crying Me A River” bitch.

Bottom line, I am a huge advocate of the first amendment, but I can understand why people would get a little upset. I don’t think CBS should be fined, but I do think that the Superbowl halftime shows may need to be screened a little better. Maybe a written warning. Yes, CBS may not have known what was going to happen, but when you put two oversexed stars in an act together, you should expect something crazy to go down. The NFL has said they will probably not allow MTV to produce the Superbowl halftime show anymore. I think the FCC should not allow MTV to broadcast anymore, but that’s just my opinion.

Thanks for reading, and remember live your life to the fullest everyday. You just never know what will pop out your way.

