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February 7, 2006
The Big Lame Game
Hi all. Welcome to the Journal.

Wow! What a game on Sunday, huh? What a fucking waste of time? That is 3 hours many people in this country will never get back. Poor officiating, poor plays, poor commercials. That there is an oxymoron because the quality of the commercials was poor, but those corporations have a shit load of money, don’t they?

The first thing that gets to me is the fact that many broadcasting outlets couldn’t call this the Superbowl and had to refer to it as the “Big Game.” This was due to the fact Coors Light bought out the advertising rights to the trademark “Superbowl” which is another prime example of how the corporate mindset is sending this company to hell in a hand basket. Coors Light isn’t even good beer. It sucks. If any company used the term “Superbowl” in their ads, they would have to pay a promotional fee to Coors. So no one was down with that. Hence, you would never see the words “Superbowl” in any ads or hear that on the radio. That right there was a sign of doom for this so called celebrated event.

I never got the infatuation of Superbowl Sunday anyway. What’s the big deal? It’s a fucking football game. It’s not the second coming of Christ, it’s not Christmas, it’s not even Columbus Day. It is a football game to decide who is the best football team of the year. So they have whacky commercials on. So there is a halftime show. Whoopee do. If your city’s team isn’t in the game, who cares? Especially after this half ass attempt of a football game. Oh it is a time for family and friends to get together. Yeah, well so is poker night. So is orgy night. So is a birthday party. But for our civilization to revel in the fact that two football teams are playing on one night and make a damn holiday out of it is completely ridiculous.

And the Rolling Stones and as half time act? What’s up with that shit? We could have filmed live from the nursing home and saw them all on walkers and crap. Mick Jagger sounded like he was ready to drop dead. Everyone talked about how cool the stage was. I thought it was a joke and let me ask why? Why does a tongue sticking out of a pair of big lips represents the Rotting Bones, umm I mean Rolling Stones? I never quite got that. If you know, please tell me.

Then there was the actual game. Considering that I had money on the game, I tuned on and off, but I didn’t go to some fucking bar or party to watch the game. I can understand the playoffs with the White Sox, but still don’t understand why the Superbowl is a part of Americana. What a disaster. Roethlisberger did not make that touchdown. The Seahawks were not in the end zone. Hasselback was penalized for tackling. Many balls that were fumbles were called incomplete. The refs blew during this game, and furthermore, Seattle was so frustrated, then phoned in the fourth quarter.

Nobody expected Seattle to be in there at the end in the NFC, but they were. And everyone said look at the Colts for the AFC. But I guess much like everything in sports, it never goes as planned. Many of the commercials were lame too. I liked the one with the monkeys, but the Budweiser ones were stupid. That new razor from Gillette was another dumb ass razor commercial where they have all these scientists unveil the next innovation in shaving. Give me a break. And people have parties for this kind of thing.

I would like to say to America as a country, do you really think that having a party over some lame ass football game is OK? Have the fucking party, just don’t do it for the sake of the “big game.” Do it for the sake of celebrating something for yourself. A promotion at a job, a new member of the family, you got laid for the first time, whatever. The real “big game” here is for the media to tell you when it is OK to have a party and go out and buy Budweiser, Pepsi, and Frito fucking Lay products. Party because you want to, not because there is some lame foot ball game on that doesn’t even feature the Chicago Bears or whatever team you root for.

