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February 12, 2004

Hello all you little troopers out there. It’s your good friend MJ here again with more rambling. This has been quite an emotional week for me. I will talk about all this right about now.

First, current events time. Is it just me, or has it been a sad week due to the events that transpired regarding Carlie Brucia and her CCTV abduction, and Teri Nicolai is beaten and thrown in a dumpster? Violence is making it’s way towards people and considering that this serial rapist has hit again in Lincoln Park earlier this week, it seems that people need to take severe precautions in how they live their lives. I am asking women to be careful and keep eyes in the back of their heads because lately, much of the violence has been aimed towards them.

Richard Roeper wrote a very interesting column today in the Sun Times. He talked about how we are becoming a white trash country and gave good reasons for his opinions. I didn’t like the reference to Vegas though. You should read it if you get a chance. Here is it for your reading pleasure.

It looks like WILL ROCK 96.7 FM is done and over with and will be replaced with STAR 96.7. This is sad because they were a good station despite the overuse of voice tracking. Oh well, what can you do? That’s the rules of the game.

Now onto my personal shit real quick. My final semester at Columbia College started this week and I am ready. Just got myself a new internship at The Zone and I start Tuesday. I am excited. This is the beginning of what I always have wanted and the only way to go now is up.

On a sad note, my Grandfather whom I love very much and always respected passed away this past weekend at the age of 75. He suffered a stroke and I hope he is in a good place. Rest in peace.

That’s all for now. Talk to you guys soon.

