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February 13, 2006
Gays, Olympics, Cookies and Milk
Hi all. Welcome to another edition of the Journal. I’m your good friend Michael Jae.

I wanted to hit a few things this week. As you know the academy award nominations were announced last week, and I really want to see Crash win best picture. It was a wonderful movie, but that stupid ass cowboy movie will win. I am not against it because it features two gay cowboys. I am against it because it is a dumb ass love story, and I am a guy. And let me say a guy is not going to see a love story whether it is man on woman, man on man, woman on woman, whatever. Love stories suck. They’re bullshit and they are for women. Women love that shit. It would be nice if after a good love story we could get it on because they are so full of all that bullshit, but instead, if the movie sucks, there will be no loving that night. To me, Brokeback Mountain is a different version of the Notebook, which was a sucky movie to boot. I didn’t see it, don’t worry. I am secure enough with my sexuality to see a movie a movie about gays, but it has to be a movie that has a point besides two men or women in love. The movie would have to be willing to offer something. For instance, murder has to be involved or some type of violence. I’m just kidding. I think you get the point.

Ozzie Guillen this week was accused of snubbing George W Bush. It is tradition that the World Champions of baseball, and once again for Cub fans and anyone else, let me remind you this year it is the White Sox, to visit the White House. The White Sox in the White House. That has a nice ring to it. Anyway, Ozzie said he would be on vacation with his family and feels that this is more important that spending time with W. Mayor Daley blasted Oz for saying this and said how high of an honor it is to be invited to the White House. We know Guillen has been there a few times, what is so different? Guillen says that it is important for him to visit with his family, and that W would agree. Besides is it right to stick in W’s face what a championship baseball team looks like without steroid abusers considering he owned the team with Conseco, Palmiero, and Sosa which never went anywhere?

Vice President Dick (and I mean Dick!) Cheney was out hunting this weekend, his first mistake because anyone who knows me knows I am 100% against hunting, and he accidentally shot one of his hunting buddies. The news barely made a fuss about this. I guess when you are part of the cabinet, all you need to do is hit your cabinet (that would be the liquor one) and you are safe.

The Olympics once again have saturated television as we know it and as I say every time, who gives a flying fuck? For the first time in a long time, I was looking forward to seeing SNL this Saturday and low and behold there are two assholes figure skating. How much more of this Olympic bullshit can we take? When can these stupid crappy ass competitions take place on a different channel? Make them go on cable or some other channel. Poor Michelle Kwan can’t compete. Stupid bitch should have never knocked out the other girl in the first place. She wanted so bad to get in there she would step all over another competitor and now there’s the stupid bitch crying on TV, “I guess I wasn’t ready.” No shit. Do you think it is OK for skaters to do their thing with a groin injury? What ever happened to Sarah Hughes anyway? The bobsledding looks cool though. Think I might want to try that sometime.

I am pissed the Gorillaz didn’t win. Just wanted to put that out there.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and I would like to know your opinion on this subject. My girlfriend is trying to convince me that it is the day of the woman. I say it is the day of the couple, what do you think about that or anything else? E-mail me or visit the My Space page and let me know.

As for the cookies and milk, I recommend Oreos. Thank you. MJ