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February 18, 2006
Ozzie Strikes Again
Hello friends and welcome to the journal. This week we salute one great American, Ozzie Guillen.

Many people think Ozzie is crazy but we must respect Ozzie because he says it the way he feels. It will get him trouble one day, but he doesn’t care. He just tells it you know. On Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, he said Phil Jackson wasn’t shit without Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman. He said Bill Gates would shit himself in Venezuela. He said that he would have gotten an offer from any team. He said a lot. Cocky? Maybe, but he speaks from the heart, A trait that we need to see more of in this lifetime.

It was we first saw Ozzie as a manager and he went off on Magglio Ordonez. The man who had to say to reporters he sees Ozzie as the enemy. Magglio draws first blood, Ozzie lets him have him. Everything is all good. Ozzie also made many crazy ass comments throughout the year and bashed many former players. Never a dull moment with what Jay Marriotti repeatedly refers to the Blizzard of Oz.

Then there is this Sports Illustrated article with Ozzie and not only does he reaffirm many of the things that he said with Gumbel, but he goes on to bash on Alex Rodriguez, the billion dollar player. He talks about how he is kissing people’s ass to play on the Dominican Republic team or something like that. First off, no one in the sports world bashes on A-Rod. This man makes way too much money and is so over rated it’s not even funny. For him to be MVP for the American League was highway robbery. What about Joe Crede? What about Jose Contreras? Hell it doesn’t even have to be a Sox player? Anyone but fucking A-Road from that loser ass Yankee team. It was so cool to hear someone bust on gay rod for once. Then he goes on Normar Garciaparra about why he wants to play for Mexico in the WBC when he has only visited Cancun twice. Funny shit man!

However, what will happen if the Sox have a losing season? (God forbid.) Will management silence Ozzie? After all, he apologized to gay rod in a press conference yesterday. However, I don’t think he wanted to. I think his hand was forced, and he didn’t look like he wanted to at all. Maybe he did, I don’t know. But will Sox management allow Ozzie to continue with his priceless expression? Corporate heads don’t like people who stand out, and Ozzie for sure stands out. They want people who will kiss their ass and follow the herd, and Ozzie does not do that.

Ozzie says there is no such thing as a good manager. He bashed on Tony Larussa, Sparky Anderson, and Jim Leyland in his article, yet he took the Chicago White Sox to a World Series in just his second year and they won the damn thing. Did Ozzie have good players like they did? Yes! But Ozzie knows how to motivate. But will Ozzie’s craziness take down the team? That is the six million dollar question just about every sports reporter is asking.

Many of the Sox players have given me the impression Ozzie is not a factor; that he is like a friend, a father maybe. He pats them on the back when they do well; he kicks them in the ass when they fuck up. Ozzie cares about the team like no manager I have seen in the Sox uniform. I think Ozzie and the gang want so bad to repeat, they can taste it. Who can stop the White Sox? New York, fuck that! Boston, they’re done. Toronto, now that’s a team that is building really well. However when you have the best rotation in baseball, awesome defense on 2nd and 3rd with Crede and Uribe, good hitters like Iguchi, A.J., and JD, and now the twin bombers Jimmy and Paulie, and a great manager like Ozzie Guillen, who in the hell is going to stop you?

I want to see the Sox repeat, that’s my story and I am sticking to it.