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February 23, 2005
The Oscars are Going to Rock
Awards for art are fucking idiotic. That’s poetry.

My name is Michael Jae and this is my journal.

It is about time we saw someone like Chris Rock take center stage in a huge event like the Oscars. Yes, Chris fucking Rock. It is time to celebrate people. In the dawn of an FCC witch hunt, the academy strapped on their balls and decided to take on Rock as a host.

Chris Rock (who I still see as Pooky from New Jack City all the time) is one of the best voices to represent this country. He may be vulgar, he may not be politically correct, but he says what many people are thinking. He is not running for public office or anything like that. He is a comedian, an entertainer. Most of the things he says are to be taken with a grain of salt. It is commentary on how he sees the world. That’s all. I believe he is a great choice for this event because in a city as fake as Hollywood, Rock is the reality wake up call for it.

Now, all the conservatives are crying like little bitches. Matt Drudge is on Hannity and Colmes crying about good and decent television being flushed down the drain. He says that this is the face of America. The Academy Awards is the face of America? He also goes on to say he is the face of the Internet, I’m sorry. The Granddad of the Internet. Look Sludge, you broke the story on Clinton OK? That doesn’t make you the Godfather of the internet. after all, Al Gore invented it, right? Let’s delve deeper into Mr. Drudge’s delusional mind shall we? He makes a comment that I guess America will have to tune into Desperate Housewives to watch family entertainment. OK a show that makes constant references to sex and violence is good clean family fun. I believe that Drudge has been sitting behind a computer too long. If you are so interested in blowing up presidential scandals, why don’t you go to the stink as you call it to the Bush administration? Oh I am sorry, you want to jerk him off because that is what conservatives like you do. My bad. I am not saying that Clinton was a prince, but Bush hasn’t done things right either.

That is what I love about Rock. He has no political affiliation. No party loyalty. Just plain old Chris Rock. What you see is what you get. Now Concerned Women for America (CWA), a right wing Christian special interest group say that they oppose Rock hosting the awards because he is too lewd, crude, and unacceptable. Look if GLAAD (Gay group) can see past the R-Rated Chris Rock, why can’t conservatives and the Bitches for Christ? Are you people that dumb? Do you understand that Mr. Rock is an adult and knows he is on network television and he will be somewhat restrained? He was the host of the VMA’s not too long ago. I think he offended artists, but who cares? He kept it clean on MTV. So I think scared little people can trust him to keep it clean on ABC.

And as far as the celebs go, maybe they need someone to offend them. Maybe they live such a ridiculous lifestyle and take life for granted so who cares? We as a society like to see celebs get insulted. The little man always likes to see Mr. Big get kicked in the balls. That is why we like people like Chris Rock. That is why Michael Jae is your good friend. I am not in the same league as Rock, but I do the same thing. I hold nothing back. I think Cunts Working for Assholes need to get a life and a new agenda. The academy is steadfast in their support for Rock. He’s not going anyway. So go outside Kodak and hold up your stupid signs, and have a Coke and a smile and stick it up your ass.

And the uproar about Rock saying it is a fashion show. Well, what do you call the first hour of the show. Kathy Griffin and that pig Star Jones asking everyone “what are you wearing?” They’re wearing dresses. That is what that long gown is and if you look in the mirror, you’ll make an amazing discovery. You're wearing a dress too. Wow! Oh my God! What a concept. What conspiracy! I admire Bjork for wearing the goose as a dress. She dressed based on her personal style, not what Valentino, Gucci, or Armani, or any one of those other fashion designers wanted for her. Elegance? Fuck that. It should be a party. People should have fun at the awards. To hell with the “pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon” attitude that comes with this. Chris Rock is the answer to the awards to make it a fun show. The show drags for hours and hours. You need a little something something to make it fun. Bravo to Gil Cates for taking a risk to bring better entertainment to the Oscars.

Until we can loosen up a little bit about what’s going on television, and stop thinking about Superbowl XXXVIII, we are never going to move forward as a society. So people can be a little politically incorrect at times. That is what is great about America. We can live our lives knowing that if we don’t like something, we can voice our opinion. I will be watching Chris Rock at the Oscars and I hope he is ready to attack. I am very interested in what is going to happen.

Thank you for reading and be sure you watch as Michael Jae gets an Oscar for producing bullshit like the mJp. Thank you and don’t forget to vote!!!!!!

