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March 7, 2006
Oscar Returns!
Hello my friends and welcome to the journal.

I would like to talk about the Oscars and how pleased I am with the results. It was one of the funnest Oscar telecasts I have watched in a long time. Jon Stewart was right on from the start, and quite frankly, I am not a Daily Show fan.

Stewart brought many mean, but fun remarks to the stage as well as fun “campaign clips” for the Best Actress category, a brief history of gay innuendos in Western flicks to show that Brokeback Mountain wasn’t a pioneer in that aspect. And I am not a fan of Ben Stiller, but that special effects thing he did was hilarious. Yet, I believe the craziest thing that happened was Three Six Mafia winning an Oscar. That song sucked.

Yes, I said it. That song sucked. It was a bunch of guys talking shit, and some black woman that could sing. I have to be honest. I still have yet to find a black woman who sings worse that a white woman. They have soul, man. Anyway, there was nothing to compare it too. Dolly Parton looks like she had too much botox injected into her, and the song from Crash was good, but people like Thugs and Pimps better than women singing.

Crash should have won Best Picture, not Brokeback Mountain. It was truly by all rights, the best picture of the year. We can all relate to it, because whether or not we want to admit it, everyone has their ideas about culture and race. People are scared of other people who have different color skin or way of life. Especially in this day and age, and this movie exposed that. I still have to meet one person who didn’t like the movie. It was wonderful. Everyone can put themselves in many of the different characters shoes, whereas with the cowboy movie, not everyone can relate. Two cowboys in love, or an explosion in race with a very well written storyline? You pick the winner genius.

Bottom line, the Oscars were fun to watch, and everyone I picked to win with the exception of Phillip Seymour Hoffman won. Rachel Weisz, awesome actress. Ever see Confidence and Runaway Jury. Two great movies and she was a huge reason why they rocked. What can you say about George Clooney? Women love him, he is very funny, and gave one of the best acceptance speeches I have ever heard. Reese Witherspoon, a nice southern lady who really pulled out all the stops with her portrayal of June Carter Cash. She has been in some good movies like American Psycho, Cruel Intentions, and Election. I like Charlize Theron better, but Reese deserved the win. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a great actor, but I would have rather seen Joaquin Phoenix win because I believe it is harder to sing like Cash and act like him. I knew Ang Lee was going to win for Director. At least he didn’t ramble on like a fuck like he did for the Globes.

I know it isn’t like me to watch the Oscars, but sometimes like a car accident you wonder what is happening. See you soon. Like to know what you think. E-mail me and let me know.

