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March 26, 2006
Give Us Your Sick, Poor and Illegal
Welcome to the Journal. Sorry about the block, but now I have something so it goes a little something like this…

So as you know there is talk of making the immigration laws tougher, and people are protesting. I say bullshit! The immigration laws should have been as strong as steel after 9/11. Why are we waiting so long to finally take care of this problem?

I know that this country was made up of many immigrants. Many who came here when there was no government. When chaos ruled, when England ruled. That is one of the coolest things about America, but things are different now. There are three reasons in my mind I feel why we need to strengthen immigration laws.

First of all, we are killing the American economy by letting them stay here. Corporations have been making a killing by using these illegal aliens and paying them less for a job than it would cost someone who has gone through the proper channels or God forbid is a citizen of this country. Yes some of these jobs are ones that can be considered thankless, but we need to find a way to motivate homeless people and welfare mongers to take these jobs. This way they can move their way up through society. Perhaps if employers made these jobs more attractive with benefits and stuff like that, we wouldn’t have to worry about illegals doing them, since no one else will.

The people who are making the biggest ruckus about this are the Hispanic population. Since most people are jumping the border are from our neighbors in the south. I believe it would serve both countries better if everyone were to do things the proper way. Mexicans are very hard working and dedicated people, and why pay them shit for jobs that no one wants, when they can become citizens or registered visitors and pay them what they deserve. This will also help the economy and our unemployment rate. (Registered visitor may be a shitty way of labeling someone with a visa, but I couldn’t think of anything else.) This is not about keeping Hispanics out of America, it is about keeping illegal aliens out.

This brings me to my second point. It is easier to track people when they register as visitors and/or become citizens. I am not a fan of profiling people or anything else like that, but when someone is in the country and people know about it, you can crack the case so to speak. This administration is so hip on national security and all that stuff, but for the last five years, this issue has barely come up. You would think we wouldn’t want to leave the borders so free for anyone to get in, but this is without a doubt the most ass backwards administration to date. Therefore the opposite of common sense usually wins the vote in that White House.

The strongest reason in my opinion is think of all the Americans who came into this country and did things the right way. Think about what this says to them. If Congress does pass legislation to make things easier on the aliens, it says to anyone who did things the right way “well shit happens, so we had to change some things. Too bad for you.” I understand some people’s visas run out and they have problems staying in country, but I feel as long as they are trying to do things the right way, I have no problem with that. But people who take advantage of the system, as many Americans do, and if my tax dollars go to that, I tend to take it a little personal. Getting a little in right field here. Point is, why is it when everyone does things the right way, our system has to change and accommodate the douche bags that can do things right? I don’t get it.

Point being, people need to do things the right way. We need to know who is in America. It may not make us totally safer, but it good for the morale and benefit of the country. And that’s it.


