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April 3, 2006
Baseball and Bodyslams
Hello folks and welcome to the journal. I know you are dying to hear about my weekend. Yeah right. Well fuck it; I am going to tell you anyway.

First off, I went to Wrestlemania 22. Vayner had a spare ticket so he invited me to go, so many thanks and props to him. I have to say, I have not been the biggest wrestling fan as of late because I do not like the direction it is going, but it was quite an event last night.

One thing I still can’t get is why all these people are booing John Cena. Cena is supposingly one of the most popular wrestlers in the last decade, and people are booing him against Triple H, who has become one of the biggest bastards in wrestling. I have always been a big fan of his, but everyone else hates him. But why is the crowd booing Cena? I asked a couple of people. Some say he couldn’t wrestle, some say he is getting old, others say women like him, and so men hate him.

I don’t get it, but maybe it is because of that silly hat he wears all the time. Maybe because he is always talking about how you can’t see him. I don’t know. All I know is he was totally fucking up that match for the first ten minutes, and then all of a sudden, he pulled through.

I also would like to say Bret Hart is a fucking puss for not showing up at Wrestlemania. Look douche bag, Montreal was so 1997. Almost ten years ago. Get over it. You have so much money and things that people would kill for due to fucking Vince McMahon. You should have come out during the Hall of Fame announcements. It would have been the classy thing to do. I can’t believe this guy is such a bitch. You spat in his face, you talked shit about him on every wrestling site. You talked about jumping ship to the enemy, what did you expect him to do? And then you blamed it all on Shawn Michaels and talked about how much you hated him for years. Give me a break. You are such a damn crybaby.

Other highlights from last night, the match between Edge and Foley was very cool. The match between Mysterio, Angle, and Orton was kick ass as well. But the match of the night had to be the Money in the Bank match. I said this a few times last night, and I will say it again. You cannot truly appreciate a ladder match until you see one live. Especially one with RVD kicking everyone’s ass.

While we are on the subject of Michaels (we aren’t but we were) it was fun watching him kick Vinnie Mac’s ass all over Chicago. That was a great match, but I only have to say one thing. Fuck the stupid Spirit Squad. Can we get rid of those bitches ASAP? Every time I have tried to watch wrestling, those idiots came on. But I can’t believe HBK put VKM through the table from that tall ladder. Jesus.

After the event, I got to go home and see the game that was rain delayed for many hours. The Chicago White Sox season opener. I got to see Jim Thome put a ball way out of play, and watch Brandon McCarthy work three perfect innings. Most of the team hit 75% of the time, and they played like the champs that they are. For all the critics and naysayers saying that this isn’t going to be the same Sox team as last year, they’re right. It is going to be better.

The White Sox beat the Indians 10-4. The game was awesome, the weekend was awesome and the Sopranos look like they are on the up swing again.

I guess we can enjoy the little things in life once in a while.

