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April 8, 2006
Bonds on Bond
Hello baseball fans. Welcome to the journal. Yes I know, the Sox are not doing so well. Not off to a good start, but believe it. The Sox will get back into the swing of it before the end of April and will be well on their way to dominating the AL Central. So Cub fans, bite me!

While we are on baseball, I would love to talk to about its greatest villain. Mr. Balco himself, Barry Bonds.

Now before I start in on him like so many have in the last couple of weeks. Let me say this is not a race thing. I know Mr. Bonds would like everyone to believe he is the victim of racial profiling or segregation or some other bullshit like that. But the real victim here is the game of baseball, and the cast of characters who have plagued it’s credibility over the last few years. The first one who should go down for this is Bud Selig.

Selig was watching the interest of baseball falling fast since the 1994 strike. The one where the Sox would have won it all. And then, in the later part of that decade two men, Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa were racing towards the record that Roger Maris had. All of sudden the crowd goes wild! Baseball attendance numbers are starting to go up, television ratings are going up, merchandise going up, everything is going up so Bud Selig loved it. As soon as steroid allegations surfaced, especially about Sosa considering he was a skinny little twig when was with the White Sox, and turned into this huge monster, Selig did nothing about. He looked the other way because MLB stock was rising. Shame on him. Now he wants to do something. Way to go Buddy come lately.

I will never forget the day that McGuire, Sosa, Jose Conseco, Rafael Palmiero, and many others stood in front on Congress. All denying steroid use except for McGuire who is sitting there crying like a little bitch talking about focusing on the present and not the past and all that bullshit. Oh yeah, and then Sosa needs an interpreter. He didn’t need an interpreter when he sat there and said “no one could replace me,” regarding the Cubs. And who else is standing there with them. Barry Bonds himself.

This “Book of Shadows” book is one of many attacks against Bonds. It talks about how he was jealous of the home run derby between Sosa and McGuire, and he starting injecting himself with all kinds of drugs to become bigger. Barry Bonds many people felt was the new Mr. Baseball due to the fact many records held by various baseball stars were falling. However, common sense would tell you that Bonds was roiding.

When Bonds was playing with the Pirates, he was so skinny. He still was talented and was a great all star. He helped bring the Pirates to many playoff opportunities, but he choked during some of them. His flamboyant attitude pissed off manager Jim Leyland and he wanted Bonds gone, and he got his wish. So Bonds went to the Giants and then we got to see one of the biggest assholes in baseball emerge. Just read some of things that he has said in the last few years :

-Of his father was dying of cancer who was hired to be a hitting coach for the Giants, “he would never have had this job if it weren’t for me
-“My Grandmother wants me to get her some wheelchair that drives like a car. Why do I need to get her a wheelchair when she is going to die soon?”-New York Times interview
-About his wife “Toilet paper sits there and waits, just like her.”
-When kids approach him for autographs, he says “what the fuck are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in school

Class act! (Thanks to the Richard Roeper column in the Sun Times on 3/30/06 for those lovely Barryisms!) What an asshole. Fuck him. If karma is as beautiful as I think it is, Bonds will be sitting on the bench for the season, sitting in jail for perjury, and sitting on a dick for good measure. That would be fabulous. I think the best thing that could happen is if he gets the largest amount of bases on balls for 2006 because no one wanted to pitch to him so he could catch the record. All I know is what goes around comes around, and it will come faster than a Bobby Jenks fastball ready to smack this jack ass in the head.

