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April 10, 2004

Welcome to my world, I’m Michael Jae.

So Condi vegetable fried Rice testified in front of the 9/11 commission, and much as predicated, she blew a shitload of smoke up everyone’s ass, and was Bush’s #1 cheerleader again as usual. She said we didn’t know we were at war, and that there was no silver bullet to stop the terrorists from attacking us on September 11th. Well, I have some comments to make about this.

First, she says we didn’t know we were at war. I think when an oil tanker and an embassy get blown up; I think that means it is apparent. Grant it, the Clinton admin dropped the ball on that one, but if Bush thought there was a danger, he should have addressed it. He receives a memo that says “Bin Laden determined to attack US on their soil” or whatever it said, red flags should have gone up. It is really a breath of fresh air to all Americans, especially the victims that the infamous document will be declassified. Secondly, about the silver bullet. These are terrorists, not werewolves. We don’t need a silver bullet, we need a missile. We can bring them down, it don’t matter what kind of bullets we use.

However, the biggest terrorist of all is fear. And it is safe to say that this administration has instilled fear into the majority of the country with their homeland security, and their warnings, and their unsubstantiated claims about WMDs and what not. I believe that the Bush Administration has used fear as an instrument in most of their campaign. They have used 9/11 as an excuse to take what they need. They say that we must increase military spending, because of terrorism and what not. I think the Bush admin better rethink priorities because this country needs more construction than defense. We need to stop dipping into social security, start worrying about education, and start finding people jobs. Let’s hope that Bush realizes this one day before he is hopefully voted out of office.

Speaking about fear, the FCC has been spreading fear throughout the radio world. Way to go Clear Channel. You fired Stern. I just wanted to let you know, no GW is not going to help you blow your load, as much as you like him too. You will still have to follow all rules like everyone else. You can fire DJs for speaking against the president or doing stupid things like decapitating pigs in parking lots (Bubba the Love Sponge) all you want, but in the end, realize you are not special nor immune to the rules other radio stations and conglomerates must follow. Mancow wants to sue this guy for using the proper procedures within the FCC, but he doesn’t go after the FCC for double fining him. It seems to me Mancow likes to bully around people in the courts like he does during his show. Mancow is suing so he can get his 15 minutes of first amendment fame just like his idol Stern. Cow, get over yourself. Work on making a better show. You were great once; figure out a way to be again. Forget about this bullshit. I believe in karma, and it is biting you in the ass because you wouldn’t help someone in his scary lawsuit. I think that the FCC witch-hunt will die down as soon as election season is over with. For now, anyone who is on their air should watch their P’s and Q’s.

And now, to a happier topic. BASEBALL. The White Sox, and that other team. The White Sox have a very positive mental attitude this year and that has been their worst enemy for the last 7 years. I hope and believe they will go places this year. As far as the scrubs go, hiring an old timer like Maddux was plain stupidity and they will be sorry they did not sign on Pudgie. The Tigers have been winning. That is scary. However, this will not be the year that they will beat the Sox. The Sox are taking the AL central and the Astros are taking the NL (hopefully.) I am getting tired of listening to loser ass Cub fans brag about how they won during pre season. I would like to remind Cub fans that the pre season means what is between your ears, nothing.

I invite all Sox fans to call in during the “South Side Shootout” during the Monday Morning Regime on WCRX 88.1 FM between 7-10 AM to let Chicagoland and the World know how we love the Sox and hate the Cubs. Call 312-663-3512 to show support for the best baseball team in the world. Yes, you can call and try to defend you measly little North side team if you are a Cub fan too. You can listen to the show by visiting and clicking on the regime link. Then click on the link to listen. I would love for you to join me and CeCe Palomar on Mondays.

Other quick notes, Mass Debate will be running on May 20, 2004 as a premiere for now, and I am looking to produce a music show with Alex Bozic. Should be fun. If you have any questions or comments, just post them on the msg board. Look forward to hearing from you. Take care and GO SOX!!!!

