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April 14, 2005
The Bad Thriller
Hello and welcome to the Journal. As you know 2005 has been a crazy year so far. A Tsunami wiped out most of Southeast Asia, the book was closed on the hockey season, and as you may have heard 14,321 times since it happened, the Pope has died. However, no one was ready for the assassination on rational thought that is taking place right now in a courthouse in sunny California. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the Michael Jackson baby raping trial. Because no matter how you slice and dice it, that is what it is.

It is sad that someone who has power and money like Michael Jackson has completely abused it and has used it in ways that many can never dream. He invited kids to his Never Land Ranch, and lured them into a horrific nightmare fueled by alcohol, the Tele Tubbies, and a grown man sleeping with boys in bed wearing G.I. Joe Pajamas. Yes a lot of this is speculation, but if Michael wants to be known as “a boy who never grew up,” we should help paint the picture.

I find this disturbing, disgusting, and the fact Michael Jackson is standing up saying this is some kind of conspiracy makes me sick. Take some accountability and get some help. I feel that this is an instance of a man who abuses his power by shelling out millions of dollars to cover up this sick habit and makes me wonder what kind of world we live in here? What kind of world do we live in when a man can lure children, let me say that again, a man can lure children into his nest which serves as a faced as a happy place where like Chuck E’ Cheese says, where a kid can be a kid, but in reality is an orgy of illusions that bring a man who has the tendencies of a sewer rat can feast upon the scraps of the younger generation?

Is it fair to say Michael Jackson had a hard life growing up? Sure. He is another one of these stage kids who had parents who mentally abused him and made him perform numerous amounts of times so he might forget his childhood. Is he misunderstood? To a point, but this does not excuse the behavior he has been accused of engaging in. You know what, many people have been abused in this life. So have grown past that, some have not. One question I have for Michael Jackson is what the hell was wrong with Lisa Marie? She could have bared more children for him to play with.

Michael Jackson is a narcissistic jerk off. This is a very scary situation. This goes well beyond OJ and Robert Blake. This is not some case of a celebrity getting away with murder and shit like that. This is a man with lots of money and power abusing it by manipulating us the little people for their love of money and compromising it with their children. This guys walks around with a bunch of thugs protecting him when he goes to court. He has his own little fan club outside of the courthouse. Woo hoo, maybe they can go to Neverland, and Jackson can stick a plunger up their ass.

And to point out how all these people are sticking their heads out now to nail Jackson to the wall. Where were these people when the cups of Jesus Juice were going around? Where were they when the showers were taking place? Richard Roeper of the Sun Times put it best in today’s column when he said “coward or liar, there is no in between.” How could anyone let their kid sleep in the same house as Jackson, let alone their bed? After all the accusations and things that were said, how could anyone do that? It just isn’t right. If they want to use their kid as a fast paycheck from Jackson, their ass should be put on the same slab as Jackson’s.

I don’t want to sound completely judgmental or hateful here, but this is something that needs to be said. People may say that this case doesn’t affect them, but it does. It affects everyone. This is a true test of the system. Will the justice system do the right thing here, or will they sell out as they have in the past? Think about this, if Jackson can find loopholes in a case like this when the evidence is overwhelmingly against him, maybe other lawyers defending will take notes to get other child molesters off so they can make that buck. It is far out there, but we must all think outside of the box for crazy shit like this? How can any sane jury stomach what they are hearing in this trial, and then let the man out of the trick bag? One must ask the question. Does Thomas Mesereau really believe his client is innocent, or we will see him stand in line with all the other victims of the man who knows nothing about noses? Will he be able to sleep at night if Jackson walks and finds another cancer patient to take advantage of? Will he be able to look in the mirror if Jackson has a sleepover in his kingdom of joy and disillusion only to find that it wasn’t just the milk Michael was drinking? Maybe he can have a nice cup of some Jesus Juice and that may be enough to ease the sting.

