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April 29, 2005
Running the Race
Ola my fellow Americans welcome to the Journal and of course my name is Michael Jae.

In Deerfield this past week, 19 year old black woman Alicia Harden was arrested for writing hate letters to minority students saying that she was going to kill them and other great stuff. She did this all the name of getting out of Trinity University. I thought maybe doing too many drugs, crashing a car through the building, or just the normal sitting down and talking to your parents about your feelings would do, but hey, what do I know? By passing these letters around, she could tell her parents that she was scared because her peers were being targeted, and they would take her out of the school. Apparently during an interrogation, Harden confessed and there really was no stink about it except concern and worry. Yet, imagine if Harden was white. Do you think the outcome would be the same?

If Harden were white, we would see everyone’s favorite media ho Jesse Jackson run to Deerfield and demand that swift justice would be passed down. We would see the media make a circus out of this event, and then we would see so many people who work at Trinity making a special case to be nice to minorities. Well I say screw that shit. Minorities should be treated as equals to white. By the way, why are they even called minorities? By saying that, are we labeling them a “minor cause to help build a major society?”

Many people want to talk about the differences between blacks and whites on a daily basis, and people say racism still exists. Especially black people. However, I think that black people feel racism still exists not because people are saying the N word here and there. I think they feel like many white people coddle them in order to say “everything is OK. We are your friends. We are here to help.” The truth of the matter is there are some white people out there that are racist, but at the same time there are black people who are racist as well.

Racism is a fact of life we must deal with. But the heart of racism lies in the minds of bitter, ignorant, men and women who do not want to see past the lines and truly wish to treat people equally. Although there are many problems with this, I believe the media plays one of the biggest parts in dividing black and white. This became clear to me during the O.J. trial. The news was constantly talking about how this trial was cracking the relations between blacks and whites, and I thought that was bullshit. I am sure for every black man who wanted to see O.J. go free, there were three to four white people who agreed and vice versa. The media was bored so they wanted to create a story that wasn’t there. They wanted to raise questions that did not need to be answered at the time. The only important thing was O.J. Simpson, guilty or innocent. When the verdict was announced, the cameras went to South Central L.A. to show a black community center celebrating it, while we saw in downtown the whites was disturbed. This was a case of a man standing trial for murder, no matter what color his skin was. A man who was accused of murdering his wife. Yeah, she was white, but that has nothing to do with it because guess what? When she was killed, she bled red. A color that blacks and whites squirt of their skin if they get stabbed. Many times in the news, you will see black people get blamed for crimes that turn out white people commit. You want to call me a black lover, go ahead. I am not standing up for black people; I am just telling it like it is. I am proud to be a white Italian, Irish, American. I am grateful to be a white male because I do not have to fight the fights that women and minorities have to fight.

There are so many stereotypes out there about black people as there are about white. I think that treating blacks special because they are black is reverse racism. Many people complain about the way black shows only have black people in them, and the white people are always morons on the show. Yeah, well look at some of the white shows. In Soap, the butler was black. In WKRP, the black man was into soul. It is because the corporate heads of programming are targeting shows at specific demographics. The media makes more of a division between races than anyone. What people need to do is understand it is entertainment, and not try to analyze it so much. We may be different people who are into different things, but we come from different cultures that allow us to enjoy these things.

White people need to understand that black people have a bigger cross to bear due to the fact they have overcome so much more than white people did, and that was something they did not choose. They were the so-called “black sheep” of humanity for many years and have risen above that to have achieved great things. I don’t know if it was because whites back in the day thought blacks were aliens, but everyone was so scared of them back then. So they had to fight like hell to get to higher ground. Many people say black people tend to stick together in groups when they work together. Well why not? They can relate. Just like many white people of different nationalities hang together as well. People relate to each other culturally and socially. That is who they are more comfortable with. Yet, in life remember there are white assholes and black assholes. People are people. And that is all there is to it.

And there are more divisions and lines drawn out by people, but in reality there is one social line that sucks. The rich and the poor. The rich step on the poor, and poverty knows no color. Racism is an enemy that can be debated and although it may play a part in our lives, it is people like the corporations, the government, the people who believe they know what is best for humanity that are really screwing life up. George W Bush went to war based on a hunch that turned out to be wrong. And thanks to that, many black and white soldiers in Iraq died for that. He wants to eliminate social security and now has hired on a U.N. Ambassador who wants to reform the U.N. This is a problem that the people in control see all us white people, black people, Latinos, Muslims, Indians, whatever as numbers. As votes, as just victims that they can manipulate with stupid shit like this race war shit and whatever else.

In closing, we are all human beings. We all bleed red and the one thing that is for sure for all people, no matter what color, is some day we are going to die. Are we going to live our life in harmony with all people of all different ethnicities, or all we going to die slowly with all the hang-ups about life that are thrown at us? I guess it is your call. Thank you for your time.

