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April 29, 2007
V Tech Isn’t a Toy Anymore
So it was a very dark day. One disturbed little boy, 32 dead bodies; all part of an illustrious school. The Virginia Tech murders will always be engrained in people’s heads as we move along in this wicked thing called life.

Seung-Hui Cho, a troubled young soul who was the son of a laundromat owner, was going to VT to major in English decided it would be a fun idea to waste a whole bunch of people because he was pissed off at the higher class and all the people who picked on him all the years. Listen here psycho boy, I was picked on a lot too as a kid. I didn’t go buy a gun and kill a bunch of people. I just kept trying to live life, better myself and eventually the people who picked on me found some kind of respect for me and everything worked out.

My question is we live in a society where everyone likes to intervene in younger people’s business, so why did no one take this kid on as their special project? Reports say that he was crazy. He was busy stalking girls. He was writing essays that were freaking people out. There was something wrong with him and why did it take 32 dead to prove it?

You know the truth of the matter is we don’t let people work out problems on their own. Everyone wants to step in and try to keep everything nice. Let the little fuckers fight if they want. It is wonderful to get that release. If I were to give advice to troubled kids I would tell them, find some kind of release. Whether it is fighting, karate, boxing, running, football…find some kind of release. Mr. Cho didn’t have any release except what happened at VT. It was his release, and many had to pay for it with their lives.

Now because of this incident, because some kid in Cary wanted to be a smart ass and since he wrote “violent material”, he is being kicked out of school, denied admission into the Marines, and being charged with two counts of disorderly conduct. All because some stupid ass teacher told him to write freely. To Allen Lee, you are a smart young man and hopefully you will come out ahead of this.

And where are Sho’s parents through all of this. Were you even there when your kid came home and tried to hide the pain of his days? Did you know there was a problem? You are supposed to know your kids. You are supposed to protect your kids. Since you did not protect your kid, you left 32 sitting ducks in a period of destruction. Not even your dry cleaning service will be able to wash the blood off your conscience, or the hallways of VT, where they are trying to move forward, but every day is a new challenge.

I implore all parents to get to know your kids for real. Not just put them in a shit load of activities and say go on with your bad self. Ask them how they are doing, how they are feeling. Let them know you are a friend they can go to for help, comfort, and to talk about anything at all. By doing that you are showing that child there is love for them, and with love, anything is possible, at least that’s what I heard.

