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May 3, 2006
Hello there. I was sitting at O’Hare Airport one day, and just jotted some thoughts down and decided to make a little poem.

I am waiting to leave
I survived the nightmare
I just want to get away

I see a young lady, I see a young man
Kiss and hugging as hard as they can
But where did she go, what did she do?
She’s says it was business, her company or who?

I see an elderly man struggling to cross the street
A car full of people he is going to meet
He hugs them and smiles, so happy, so glad
Because this is his moment, the rest of life so sad

I see an angry man, jumping in the cab
I see an ambitious girl, looking for success to be had
Everyone comes for a dream, the big ol’ jolly city
Give up a nice life to take a chance, oh what a pity!

You don’t know what they’re thinking you don’t know where they’ve been
You don’t know where they’re going, what the future will bring
Here comes my ride, time to take a chance
I am ready to make my fortune, hey God let’s dance

What a hypocritical bunch of bullshit. But it is a good poem though. Thanks for reading.

