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May 6, 2005
Runaways and Shenanigans
Hello and welcome to the Journal. I’m your good friend Michael Jae. As many have heard this past week, Jennifer Wilbanks had a case of cold feet or possibly as she said “running away from fears controlling her life.” She created a prank that she was kidnapped so she could avoid marrying John Mason, who in my opinion is the biggest dumb fuck this side of the moon. But the people who are dumber than him are the ones who believe she had some kind of “fear” controlling her life. He had an excuse, he was pussy-whipped.

Yes, we were all subjected to all the nice little interviews that took place with John Mason this week. “I love her, and I still want to marry her.” Jesus, come on. This woman made you look like the biggest clown in the circus called life, and you are willing to take her back. Obviously you didn’t get much attention from women in high school, or you just have self-esteem as low as the Grand Canyon will go. She doesn’t want a marriage although now she says she does. She is just under a very judgmental public microscope now, so she should try to do as much damage control as possible. Probably six months from now, she is going to straddle your dad, Mr. Mason, in his work shed, while you’re baking cup cakes in the house for the kids.

But aside from that, I can’t believe the lengths people will go to hide their true feelings. What happened to talking about things in this P.C. infested society we live in now? If Ms. Wilbanks had any kind of second thoughts about marrying Mason, maybe she should of did the less expensive thing. Umm… talk to him about it; yeah that’s the ticket. Then there could have been a remote chance you could have saved the man you love the embarrassment let alone the taxpayer’s money when they launched that man hunt to find you. You stupid bitch! Yes, maybe say, “John, I am going to leave you” or “ I am having second thoughts about my marriage,” or the ever popular “let’s get marriage counseling.”

This case pisses me off not because of the whole manhunt thing, and that she said she was kidnapped, but because what happened to being honest with people? Last week in the Journal, I talked about a woman named Alicia Harden who wrote letters filled with racial slurs and threats against minorities throughout a nice little campus located in Deerfield spreading lots of fear and media exposure all for what? All because she didn’t want to go to the school anymore. She never made it clear to her parents, she never told anyone. Let’s just pull this prank and I can leave because my stupid, naïve, parents will take me out of school for fear of my safety. I don’t care who I hurt or scare in the process. Just as long as I get my way. This is very similar to the Wilkins woman. I remember a few years ago the same thing happened with a teenager planting notes throughout a cruise ship leaving everyone with the impression terrorists have taken over the ship. It turns out that the girl just didn’t want to go on the cruise because she wanted to be with her boyfriend. I hope she lost her boyfriend over that stunt.

I believe in this society which I guess is run on morals and values, at least that is what people like to say, we can be honest with each other about things we are bothered by. I don’t personally know these people, but I know it could have been handled different. If you are going to do something deceptive to get your way, you really shouldn’t bring other people into it. Of course many people get cold feet before marriage, many students go to a school and discover they don’t like it, many people miss their significant other when forced to go to a family function. These are human emotions that are completely normal. Everyone goes through them. It just is how people handle them that make them a rational human being with good sense and courage, or some fucking piece of shit who craves so much attention, or wants something so bad instead of having the balls (or in this case ovaries) to talk about it, they destroy anyone or anything to accomplish their goal no matter how silly it is. I advise people to talk more and communicate more. The more people talk, the less whack jobs that influence our lives.

The season finale of mJp is right around the corner and I hope you all get a chance to check it out. For more information, check out my website Talk to you all soon.

