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May 11, 2008*The Road Back

Hello and welcome me back.

I have been away for a while but now I am back.

Fatherhood is wonderful, thanks for asking.

So many things have happened in the last few months. I have found a new job, and due to that, I had to leave the Libby Collins show, which is unfortunate. I love Libby and think of her as a mother sometimes, but as a friend. She gave me something that many people haven’t given me in the radio business, a chance. An education which one doesn't get within an institution, but learns through the industry itself. I am still a student of the game, but still very much want to get into the media business.

I have been away because I have been getting caught up in the rat race. Trying to be a provider for my family, keeping food on the table; you know the drill. It is hard work and it took me away from one of my biggest passions in life, continuing on my mission to create a movement in the media that will rock the socks of anyone who looks.

Couple of problems I have encountered. Of course there’s the father obstacle. Yet, what kind of a father am I if I don’t follow my dream? Am I a shitty parent If I don’t get back on that road that has made me who I am? What if I don’t call out the forces of evil and pray they change their ways; if I don’t help awaken the minds of many that life is a sick game, and you must find ways to distract yourself from the inevitable outcome, death. Perhaps you may be born again, perhaps not. Nevertheless, there is that endgame that no one can escape. I want to look back and know that I had as much fun as possible. I accomplished the things I wanted to do. And that my daughter does great things with her life.

We will be discussing life at a further length on Episode D of the MJP. I will be making a return to television this month, and this time it’s for real. I really loved what I did with episodes A-C, and can’t wait to continue on the path.

So having said that, it’s time to take the road back to salvation, to greatness, to victory. I will achieve all those things and more and I am ready to take down the forces who try to stop me, and elevate myself to the next level. I owe it to you, the person who has followed me down Freakshow Blvd to exit fear. The people who have supported me since the beginning from the Stoned Ranger days to the transformation of Michael Jae. I have big plans coming up and I intend on seeing this through to the end. Try to stop me; I will get back up when I get knocked down. In the end, will what I do matter? Maybe not in the greater sense, but I can leave knowing I gave it my best.

Here’s to the return of Michael Jae, the MJP, and the Strictline. Salute!!!!

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