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May 18, 2008*Eight Times Four Equals Me

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear MJ, happy birthday to me. Bitch!

OK, so I am being a little silly this week. I can’t believe I am turning 32, and I have a daughter. What the hell happened? Here I thought for the majority of my life I’m going to be this wild child, not give a shit person who would do what ever he wanted to. Oh my God, have I settled down in my old age?

Old? Most people older than me still tell me I’m a youngin. I always pose the question, when do you get old? When do you feel like the bar’s closed? I have worked so hard over the last ten years on balancing the whole Strictline thing along with my 40 hour job and everything else in life. Could they be why I feel like a 45 record?

I believe that rewards pay off in the future and although I feel like I am still waiting for something that I believe is much rewarding that what I have, I feel like a huge winner. Does it make me greedy because I want to make money doing media work rather than toughing it out Mondays through Fridays ten to twelve hours a day? Don’t kid yourself, the eight hour work week disappeared years ago. People want more production from their employees and it takes time to get it done. Don’t believe all those self help how to survive the rat race books and motivational speakers. The only motivational speaker I need; a Fat Squirrel from New Glarus, WI.

So I had lived three decades of bullshit. And two years of crap too! All I can say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I had two brushes with death in my life, both auto accidents, and one conscious and one not. I had made many friends; some who stayed true, others who disappeared, and some whose colors were darker than a rainbow. I lost my mother a little bit less than ten years ago, but she is with me everyday. I have reconnected with my family and all I can say is life has been decent so far. I just still wonder how we go through the cycle everyday, and why so many people around the world and in this country suffer so badly. I am grateful I am not them, and hope one day, I can help make the world a better place.


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