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May 26, 2008*Ode to the Fallen

Memorial Day; A day to honor those who have fallen to defend this country, our rights, our freedom, our way of life. However it’s important for us to reflect upon many other forms of loss that we may have encountered during life.

Personally, I lost my mother about a week after this holiday. She was in the hospital a few days after my birthday. She was being kept alive by machines, and when hope touched me upon the shoulder that she would survive the ordeal, reality kicked me in the balls when she was transported to a new hospital to receive a new heart. Something went wrong with her brain, and she died a couple days later. I would like to use this day to remember my mother.

Disaster has struck throughout the world in more ways than one. Thousands of lives have been taken due to these natural disasters. We should take a moment to reflect upon their passing and take comfort that we are still breathing.

We like to talk about the soldiers who have given their lives, but think about the loss of life throughout the globe. Innocent loss of life over political games in the name of keeping us safe. We should take a moment to think about the loss of innocent life across the globe, and also thank our troops once again because we would be those innocent lives meeting our maker if our military wasn’t as advanced as it is.

We should take a minute to think about the millions of animals who have been slaughtered to make people fatter. Yeah yeah I know. Many of you would believe that animals were put on earth to be slaughtered so you could survive. I live on a diet that does not include animals, how come everyone else can’t? I guess since I have compassion for animals, anyone else who does you can take a moment to join me if you’d like.

But most importantly, I would like to take a minute to hold in my heart anybody who has lost anybody dear to them not only because they were shipped off to Iraq, but due to a freakish health incident, murder, an accident, or anything other curb ball life has thrown at them. Please know that I send my feelings of condolence and care, and that I know what it’s like to lose a loved one unexpectingly, and you are in my heart.

Love and a peaceful Memorial Day,
