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June 1, 2008 Buried Alive

We come from a society that lives and dies for the dollar. Not because of the great things money buys. It gets you all the flash, all the pizzazz, all the bells and whistles; but for means of survival.

I myself am in debt. I owe for mortgage, car, student loans, and other fun bills. Everyone I know is handcuffed by some form of the disease known as debt. I see the fun little infomercials in the morning before I leave for work, the ones that promise financial freedom and all that other shit. I laugh at the idea of financial freedom. Everyone is working. Some have the luxury of being athletes and movie star making shitloads of money, and everyone would love to be them. Yet, you lose so much by that token. Privacy, intimacy, the whole nine yards. As one of these superhuman peeps, you must work very hard to keep what you have. As a normal Joe like you or me, you must work hard too.

I always ask the question, who invented the concept of money for goods? Why are we all working so hard? The celebs got it right because they are doing something they love. Many of us work jobs that make us somewhat happy, and it’s enough to kill the depression inside. We do what we can for our family, and always have this insane belief that everything’s going to be alright. How so? How does that work? We keep burying ourselves in more debt due to rising gas, grocery costs and taxes. How can we keep our heads above water?

That’s where the quandary is.

That’s where the dream begins.

They say when you stop dreaming, you stop living. I need to start dreaming again. I feel like lately the dream has died. I have a wonderful woman in my life who is the mother of my daughter. I always wanted to have a child in my life to help carry on my legacy, whatever that means. Those two factors have made me complacent in some ways. I forgot my way for a little while. Hence no mJp, radio show laid to waste. Now I will have the people that are most important to me fight for that dream with me.

Can dreams defeat debt? Maybe; maybe not. But happiness will, and I must learn to wrestle with the disappointment of being behind, and learn to rise up for the things that make me happy, and dream to accomplish the things I need to do. This will making living life easier, and I can continue on, no strings attached. Perhaps, this may be the prescription for all to follow.

Bottom line, I am ready to kick life’s ass and get mine kicked as well once again. I hope you feel the same way.

Your good friend,
Michael Jae
