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June 15, 2004

Hello campers. Just got through an exciting period of my life and I am getting ready for another. So sit back and relax and get your reading goggles on. It’s Jae time now!

So I just got back from Hawaii and it was fabulous. I had so much fun. Vicki and I did everything under the sun. From exploring the deep blue Pacific Ocean in a submarine to flying over them parasailing in Waikiki. While in Maui, we went snorkeling in Molokini, and rode down the 9,000 plus foot tall volcano Haleakala on bicycles. After witnessing a breath-taking sunrise at the top, even though it meant waking up at one in the morning. I think I could do well as a radio personality in Honolulu. I think I may look into that.

On other notes, it was a shame of a sad death this past weekend. Ray Charles died in his early 80’s. A gifted musician. An inspiration to many. This was a man who could play the piano and he was blind. He jammed out too. I bet not too many of you knew that because our media focused all it’s attention to a certain former President named Dutch.

Ronald Regan, who was skating the ice rink called death, finally met his maker at age 93. It was sad, but in some ways a blessing. It brought closure to a man who was struggling with Alzheimer’s disease. Now Nancy can live with the memory of her husband who could be one of the greatest Presidents of all time.

But the question here is throughout all his triumphs, can we say that the Regan years were all serene? I mean we saw him aid a man who our current administration calls a cold-blooded murderer. We saw him trim away at our economy so bad, they named it after him. We saw him create a anti drug campaign which a three year old would mistake for a sponge bob square pants cartoon if he was watching it on his Zenith television with the brand new remote control and that VCR invention that came out around that time. After which he took down a drug lord in Central America that he had ties to financing allegedly. However, let’s forget all of that. This was a great man.

This is the man who helped to end the Cold War and created a summit in Geneva to do that. He assisted in the destruction of the Berlin Wall. When justifying so, he retaliated against a dictator who wanted to destroy our country. Ronald Regan was a great man, and throughout his presidency, we can say he honestly did the best he could in the interest of our great country.

You see, all presidents have their plus and minuses. It’s a shame we can’t say that now. Hell, even one of the Regan family members can attest to that. I almost shed a tear listening to a tribute to Reagan, because growing up as a child, he was my president. I thought he was great. I remember how happy I was when he defeated Walter Mondale during his second term. I will always be thankful for President Ronald Regan gracing us with his leadership throughout the years.

In other news….

WAY TO GO PISTONS!!!! That’s right. I am so happy the Lakers fell. They do not deserve to win because they represent everything that is wrong in basketball. Very rarely do you see teams play as teams nowadays. The spotlight is on one person usually. Yet, the Pistons defied the critics and played as a team. It was team spirit, and a huge me complex that allowed the Pistons to defeat the evil empire from down south.

While we are on sports, am I the only one that believes that Shingo Takatsu would be the choice closer for our beloved White Sox? Let me know. I have to give props to the shit heads up north for doing a number on Roger Clemens. I did not see the game going that way.

Now, a serious topic. The first taping for the new TV show will be July 5th in Palatine. I have no idea what to name it. I have a name tentatively set, but I would like some feedback from you guys. Please post at what you think would be a good name for the show. I am very excited about coming back to television, and I hope to bring a program that blows the doors off of shit rag television. I’m sorry. SRTV. He he he.

Until then, see you guys later.

