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June 26, 2004

Hello folkies. Welcome to my world, and my nightmare. We are counting down the days until the Michael Jae Project commences. It will be quite a sight to see, so make sure you check it out. More details to come.

In the meantime, Jack Ryan you are a puss. Why would you drop out of the race because of things that happened a long time ago? You know, I don’t understand politics nowadays. The man wanted his wife to engage in sex with other people. Yes, I know that is a little whacked, but why should a person’s past concerning an issue like that take bearing on the person that man is today. If the man had sex with children, I can understand that. However, it is not like this man forced his wife to have sex. So he went to a couple of sex clubs. But who was his wife. A movie star. Those people do some freaky things. Why does she wait until now to bring this up? The man taught high school, how come it wasn’t an issue then?

I had full confidence in Ryan’s ability to the job and now because of some angry people, I do not have a chance to vote for this man. I think that it’s not like Blair Hull’s “champagne and cocaine” thing. This happened a long time ago and I don’t see how his actions affect the state. Good luck to Jack Ryan for whatever he does in the future. I guess I have to vote for Obamma now.

Speaking about crazy ass politics, got a chance to catch Fahrenheit 911 last night. Michael Moore may have some good points, but he also can be quite the stoner some times. I think trying to get congressmen to send their sons/daughters to Iraq is quite a moot point because we all know they would never do it. I feel that video should have been left out because it just gives people a bad taste in their mouth. Hell, no one would willingly send their children. It is funny because all the hawks in the government will send everyone else’s children. Also, not all soldiers are assholes like the ones who said, “flying into Iraq was the ultimate rush.” I also feel they left out Great Britain and could have talked about them when he was poking fun at the coalition of the willing. He made it more as a comical jab at Bush and co, rather than made it clearer for people who didn’t follow politics. Although I must say, the movie does a great job in exposing the Bush-Saudi connection. It is quite obvious that we cannot trust our current administration.

I just heard on the news that talks between North Korea aren’t going too well. North Korea claims they have only one method of making bombs, but the United States says no way. Here is a madman who is running that country, committing abuse on the people of his nation, and is refusing to disarm his nuclear weapons, which he lied to the world about having in the first place, and we are just talking with him. Yet, we go into Iraq like a pack of wolves and destroy their country and kill innocent civilians left and right. Why Iraq and not North Korea? Hmmm. Bush has said we are saving the world from grave danger. What danger? That Saddam Hussein is going to shoot his rifle off his balcony and maybe the bullet will land 6,000 feet away in Hawaii somewhere.

Hussein may be an evil man, but he did not pose any threat to the US. What’s more, why did we finance him back in the 80’s and not take him down in the 90’s if he is so evil? This brings me to another point that Moore brought up which was effective was the use of two video bites with Collin Powell and Condeleeza Rice stating that Iraq did not pose a threat to America back in 2001 before 9/11. So what happened? Did France sell a shitload of weapons to them? Must of. I mean after all, everyone in America is ready to call them traitors because they weren’t with the Bush agenda. This “with us or against us” mentality is very harmful to our country. I can’t help but to feel sorry for people like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who can’t see the big picture of what is happening in the White House. Instead they would rather sit back and call everyone liberals and traitors and while Hannity collects his checks from ABC and Fox, Rushie boy pops his next pill hoping he won’t have to listen to the people say “go away has been.”

I can only hope that the American people will not put this moron back into office. We need to put this administration back in the stone age where they belong. I did not say “blow them back to the stone age” or any other kind of threat so patriot act people, suck it. I am not a terrorist. I am just a proud American tired of the games people play. Back to the Bush Administration. For the most part, they are a bunch of crazy old men who belong in a retirement home somewhere in the Keys who will still be swearing up and down that Iraq has WMDs to their graves. That is all I have to say about them and about the movie. It was good. Could have been better, but not bad.

Sorry to be such a political hack this time, but that is what is on my mind. Talk to you soon.

