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July 8, 2005
Boring Ass News
Hello everyone. Welcome to the Journal. This week, I really don’t want to preach to the youth, but if you want to take it that way, that is your problem.

So two weeks ago, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor announced her retirement. I got e-mails and people on the street talking saying “so who is Sandra Day O’Connor?” and the famous question about everything surrounding the news these days, “who cares?”

O’Connor was the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court. She was appointed in the early 80s by Regan. That is why who cares? GW gets to appoint someone else to fill her seat. That is why this is a big deal. Word has it; it will be Alberto Gonzales, who is presently Attorney General. It would be nice to know who will be in the W Puppet Show next.

You see, I think it is important for people to know current events. I say this because it is much better for people to be in the know of a situation. I know it is a hard pill to swallow, especially when they talk about murder, death, kill. Murder, death, kill. Buy a Lincoln, murder, death kill. Watch Alias on Wednesday night, murder…you get the point. However, it is good to be in the know because it makes you seem balanced. And one thing before shooting your mouth off on a subject, you should know both sides of the story. The Fox News version, and the regular one.

I agree with many people that American news sources are flawed, and slanted. I learned in my media ethics classes how deep the hole gets when it comes to journalism in the new millennium. I can also understand why many people; especially younger people say the news is boring. It pretty much is. That is why one day I will have the mJp newscast that everyone will love and watch. Until then, find whatever means necessary to stay up to date with shit.

And I suggest taking history classes. When I went into them, I thought they would be boring. However, when you have the right teacher, it can make all the difference in the world. Maybe that is what the problem with a lot of these teachers. Maybe they should learn how to be interesting, or get drunk before class. It is good for you to learn about the history of our country and how we fought a revolution to get us where we are. The next great revolution against the corporations and special interests is at hand, and information is one of the best weapons we have in a free society.

Well, that is all. We will see you next time.

