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July 14, 2005
The Replicated Society
Aloha my good friends and thanks for reading the ever brilliant Journal. First I would like to send a special shout out to all those who complained about the Alex skit on mJp to Comcast. If you had a kid who looked as good as Alex, you would want to get him laid too. In all seriousness, I really wish that some people had better things to do with their time besides chase after someone like me who just wants to bring joy to the world. If these complaints continue, I will be forced to send herpes patients to your houses to rape you. Thanks.

Now, topic! I really believe the end of the human race is fast approaching and we are narrowing the mindset of the music and movie world. We are in trouble people, and many of us don’t know or don’t give a shit. The creativity of many individuals, especially those in Hollywood is declining at a steady pace.

As you know, many of the movies this summer are remakes. Hell, almost all the movies this summer are remakes. Don’t believe me? Here is an article that gives you the skinny of the Summer of Copycats.

First off, are we that bad off? Are the brainchilds of Hollywood really out of ideas? Can we have an original movie? Sin City was an awesome movie. Fucking loved it. But it was based off of a comic book. Crash was not, and that was a brilliant movie. Kung Fu Hustle rocked as well. Other than that, we have been stuck in a puddle of shit when it comes to movies.

First it is TV shows. Bewitched, Dukes of Hazzard, the Honeymooners, are out now and are not serving the story of the original TV shows. Let’s face it; Dukes will make money because they are making Jessica Simpson look like the slut of the year. Bewitched is just a flop all together. I have yet to find one person say, “that movie was OK,” and the Honeymooners, as much fun to see Ralph Cramden be black, sucks out loud. These movies should play it like the Brady Bunches did. Write all the scenes in the show and do parodies off them. But that can only get you so far?

Then it is the attack of the comic books. Fantastic 4 has gotten a lot WAY TOO MUCH media publicity. The movie must be expecting big things, but instead got one star from Ebert, and a row of diarrhea from the viewers. Jessica Alba (I am sure you know who she is) and Michael Chiklis (The Shield) are the only two actors with any kind of recognition in this movie. It has to be a joke. I marvel at how many more Marvel flicks will hit the screen. Damn you Spiderman, it is all your fault. The companies saw how big the take was for the two movies and thought it could cash in by making other shitty superhero movies. Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra, all of these failed. All of them suck. Marvel, stick to what you do best. Comics and toys.

Then there is the summer of remakes. War of the Worlds, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Herbie, Guess Who, Longest Yard, Pink Panther, Bad News Bears. Hello Hollywood!!! We want to see new shit. Not this crap. When I heard that Spielberg was remaking Worlds, I was excited, but hearing Tom Cruise is it, and also the fact that all these other remakes are hitting the screens. I can give two shits honestly. If many of these directors can focus their energies into making new vehicles that would be challenging and rewarding for them in the end. And the biggest plus, the audience receives the payback. But no. It is easier to copy what someone else did, make it bigger and badder since the budget in 2005 allows you to do more, rather than have an individual thought and idea, and start from scratch. The worse part is that these movies are making a killing in the box office because schmucks are paying money for them.

And it gets worse. Many advertisements are going back to old ideas. Like the Coke commercial is using that old “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing,” song. Well I would like to teach the world to sing “Give me fresh or give me death.” The double mint twins are back. And there are a few other “recycled” commercials out there. Plus look at how many bad covers are out there. If anyone can tell me that Greenday doing “We are the Champions” sounds good, you need to be shot. Part of the human race growing means not going back to an old formula to be a success.

One of the reasons I stopped doing SRTV and the Ranger is because I can evolve as myself. I am a firm believer of growing and doing different things. I would never go back to that. I don’t need to. If people can’t accept the fact I have burned that candle out, then they better go to a different show. As you can see, the mJp has changed vastly since its debut one year ago. And I am not going to stop now. It will take a more that a nation of millions to hold me back from growing. It will take a planet full of people. You may not like what Michael Jae does. But you will have to admit, there is only one of me. And fuck you if you disagree.

