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July 26, 2005
Behind My Eyes
Here is a little something I wrote 5 years ago. Just wanted to share it with some of you who are feeling depressed lately.

Behind my eyes lies the pain
The hurt and sorrow in my brain
I keep on living and I don't know why?
Sometims I wish that I would die

Behind my eyes lies the past
Mistakes, failures, and decisions made too fast
Can't turn the clock back and try again
Can't revisit the places where I've been

Behind my eyes lies suspicion and fear
Can't hold anything sacred, wish death was near
I let out a desperate cry for someone to help me
Sit down next to me and try to comfort me

Behind my eyes lies the ambition to move on
To stop wallowing in pity, and keep hanging on
Doing things to change the shape I am in
To go out there and achieve things, be in it to win

Behind my eyes is a wall of hope
Hanging from the top is a rope
I close my eyes and start to climb
Ignore the past, make up for lost time

Behind my eyes there is a vision
As I begin this valuable mission
Defeat the anixiety and depression that I feel
And know when it comes to "damm good", I am for real

Behind my eyes I feel the change
No matter what people think, no matter how strange
This is my time I have come to claim
I will be the victor, my legacy will reign

Thank you all. See ya soon.

