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August 1, 2005
Get Up Lazy Ass
Hey yo!!!! Welcome to the journal. I apologize for the lost time, as I have been involved in many things in my life, and neglected to write the journal. I will not let it happen again, and here I am making excuses.

Excuses are the number one crutch for our existence. We all think that excuses will get us through the day, but the truth is they make us look foolish and lazy. If we want to be lazy, then we should and not make any apologies to anyone.

Look, I don’t want to sound like Tony Robbins here, but the number one problem with our country is there is no passion. There is no fire. We just sit around and wait for things to happen and a handful of us don’t do that. I believe myself to be one of those who make things happen, and take responsibility for them. There lies the second crutch, responsibility.

We never want to a accept responsibility for our actions. We like to pass them off on other people which leads us back to excuses. Take our government for instance. Our administration dropped the ball on Iraq and instead of saying, “hey, we fucked up and ended up lying, excuse me, exaggerating our reasons for going to Iraq and we’re sorry.” They just play a game of finger pointing like they were in grade school or something. Now, if the top office of the USA is not taking responsibility, is it fair to say they are setting the standard for the rest of the country to do the same?

Many people come up with excuses in their life for their actions. “It wasn’t the right time to have a kid,” “I need the cigarette, it helps me relax,” “I didn’t want to drink and drive, but I had no choice. I had to be home for my kids.” Hey, if you decide to do these things, there usually is a cause for the effect. You come to work late, you get fired. You smoke crack, you die. You listen to pop music, you go retarded. Hey, all causes have effects and 99% of causes are created by people who make decisions.

Once again, I am not a good motivational speaker, but I work hard everyday to get what I want out of life, and if I fail, then I continue. If America were to do the same, we would not only be the greatest country in the world because we say so. Maybe our peers would believe it as well. So maybe people should stop making excuses why they can’t, and start thinking of ways how they can.

After that is over, go smoke one to celebrate if you must. Just make sure you have plenty of food in the house for when you are finished. Thanks.

