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August 7, 2006
The Signs that Mad Max had the Passion of a Lethal Weapon
So what's up peeps? Michael Jae here with you. As we know, Mel Gibson had a break down, thought a cop was a Jew trying to ruin his life, and got nailed with a DUI as well. Sad thing really. Mel Gibson has been acting quite strange since the Passion of the Christ came out.

Mel Gibson is acting quite like the character he portrays in Lethal Weapon. It is fun to watch but quite sad. I am talking about the first one kiddies. Not the happy go lucky one in three and four. Furthermore, I mention three was OK, but four sucked big time. Either way, he went a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs recently saying all the stuff he did, and now he is issuing an apology through his publicist. Why does every actor have to issue apologies through their publicists? Aren't they man enough to do it themselves? Maybe he was afraid someone would ask about whom Christ drank wine with and he would have an episode.

However, don't think that Mel Gibson will be down for the count. He has the Apocalyptico movie coming out as well as other films that provoke questions about religion and Jews. He will bounce back just like many other dumb fucks in Hollywood. Just look at the long list of screw ups that come to mind.

Rob Lowe makes a sex tape with two chicks one who was underage, and everyone thought he was done in. Enter Wayne's World where he plays a sleazy television producer who totally stains the public access show with corporate sponsorship all over the place. Plus he was in Bad Influence with James Spader, who at the time was always the bad guy, but in this movie, it was Lowe. I guess Hollywood saw a different side of Lowe from the St. Elmo's Fire, About Last Night good guy, and decided he was a scumbag. He survived, so can Mad Mel.

Wynona Ryder steals clothes from a mall and gets caught on camera. She is guilty and is on painkillers too. Thrilling! She then gets to be a crazy actress in Simone with Al Pacino and a bitchy reporter in Mr. Deeds. Now she is in a what looks like it can be a cool movie. If she can survive that bullshit, so can mad Mel.

Paris Hilton was the unknowing victim of a sex tape shot by Rick Soloman and she said this was offensive to her and she sued. Isn’t it funny that this is the same girl who spends every month with a different guy? Anyway she got to be in the movie House of Wax where she dances for a guy in the movie, kind of like she did in that One Night in Paris shit. So if Paris comes out of all that crap smelling like a rose, Mad Mel can survive.

And finally Robert fucking Downey Jr. How many times has this guy been busted with blow? How many times did we see his silly ass mug shots? How many times did we see his dumb ass on Court TV? It had to be renamed to Downey TV. Now the guy is married, playing lots of great roles, and even released a shitty CD. Hell, if RDJ can do it, so can Mad Mel.

So you see my friends and anyone who is a fan of Mel Gibson, there is hope for this man. His career won't be over. He isn't falling over the deep end and his career won't be over. As I have shown, when you are in Hollywood, no one cares about your mistakes. Shit man, you can do anything when you're a celebrity, and everyone will still love you. Human nature sucks doesn't it? But nevertheless, you can’t hold mistakes against people forever, I guess. By the way, I want to take this opportunity to wish my Dad a happy birthday while we are on that topic. Pace!

