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August 29, 2004

Hello campers. Welcome to the journal.

So last night I went to go see Metallica who I have gained some respect for over the last year and can honestly say, it seems they are looking to get back to their roots, or in a mid life crisis. I don’t know. One of the two I’m sure.

Point being, Metallica was a band I grew up with. Through the heartbreak of Cliff Burton’s death in September of 1986, and the rise of superstardom with the downward spiral of an album “Metallica” in 1991. Not that it was a bad album, but it put them towards a new sound. The sound of crap that is known as Load, Reload, and the very tasteless Garage Inc. with all those cover songs on it. I haven’t really given that one a chance, but I know all it is covers. I grew up with a fan base that was fiercely loyal. That knew all their songs, and followed all the dumb shit James Hetfield did. Unfortunately, since James has been off the juice, he has been way to fucking happy lately. “Give me an M,E,T,A…” you get what I mean?

So after saying all that, I can now tell you about the pitiful excuse of a concert last night. Not because of Metallica. They kicked ass. However, the meaning of being a fan of Metallica has been dumbed down. The Metallica fan went from someone “acting like a maniac” to somber “until it sleeps.” I mean WTF man. Whatever happened to jamming out and going crazy to their old shit? One of the things that made Metallica so fun was the fact you were surrounded by people who belonged in a “Sanitarium.”

Last night, I went crazy listening to most of the puppets album. However, many people in the crowd, the majority so to speak, didn’t share my enthusiasm. They seemed not to know songs like Lepper Messiah, Battery, The Thing That Should not Be. In fact, one kid in the audience was wearing a light up headband of Metallica, and he look dumbfounded when Damage Inc was playing. There were no pits during that song like there was during Sad But True. Damage is a mosh song. I just remember the moment that sickened me the most was when they hit the first note for “Turn the Page” not even an original Metallica song, and the crowd erupted. That is so pathetic.

You know, back in the day when I saw Metallica concerts, live or bootlegged, you would never see shit like that. If you are going to be a fan of a band, and I am not talking about a person who likes the old shit, you should know their older shit. Especially of you are paying the high price of a ticket. No I am not a fan of some of Metallica’s new shit. In fact, I boycotted the band due to it, and even publicly called for their demise. St. Anger helped me to appreciate them again. I grew out of my Metallica hating stage I guess, so I can get used to the new stuff. However, I cannot get used the pussy ass new generation of Metallica fans who know King Nothing, but not any of the deep cuts of Lightning and Puppets. If you guys are such fans, take time out and learn the songs that made Metallica the icons they are today. Especially if you are going to see them live.

That is all, sorry to be so bitchy, but on a lighter note, did you know that there are signs by the men’s stalls that say “grab your tool?”

On an informative note, MJP tapings are open to the public. We have theatre seating and free refreshments. If you would like to see a taping, let us know on the message board.

Thanks have a nice day.

