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September 6, 2005
A Bitch Named Katrina
Yello campers and welcome me back from my slumber. Yes it has been a while since we have spoken, but now your good friend Michael Jae is back and I promise not to abandon ship like I have. I moved to a new place, and I was on a killer vacation in good old Florida, and got a chance to see a little place in Mexico called Cozumel. Crazy shit!!!! Yee haw mother fucker.

I can only thank the grace of God that our plane landed just days after the dreaded hurricane known as Katrina hit the Florida panhandle and to much of the relief of the people in Florida, it just grazed them. Nothing can put into the words what New Orleans looks like today and for that, I truly feel badly for the people out there.

This wasn’t a terrorist attack. This wasn’t some whack job blowing up a building. This was mother nature having a shit fit for one reason or another, and due to this, people have died, and lost their lives in one form or another. It is a sad time in life. It also has brought out the worst in humanity as many people killed, raped, pillaged, and stole to survive in this hellhole which used to be known as one of the greatest places in our country. Maybe God was pissed off about how ridiculous Mardi Gras is. I’m kidding, bad joke. Sorry.

The truth of the matter is this. Kanye West may have been on to something when he made his comment about President Bush during the telethon last weekend. It took the federal government a very long time to get out there, and as we have seen in the past with many other times of crisis, President Bush likes to take his time in matters like this. If every news reporter in this country could get into the “war zone” then why would it be a problem for the leader of our country to make his way in? I really believe that if this were Houston or Dallas, Mr. Bush would have deployed the national guard out there right away.

I personally believe that Bush not going out there right away had nothing to do with race. It has to do with class. Many of the residents whose houses got nailed and lost everything were people who were in the middle and lower class. And Bush has no use for those people unless it means controlling them by scaring the shit out of them by telling everyone the terrorist thermometer needs to move up to orange because we found an Arab pissing on the Alamo. Oh yes, and telling them our country is going to hell because of all dem damm liberals out there so vote for us. We will keep you safe. Bush has proven once again how he cannot handle a crisis, and why he was clearly the wrong man for the job.

And what about New Orleans? What does the future hold for them? And how many more newscasts can we see on the damage. This is a domestic issue, and in some ways, “The American Tsunami.” You think the world will give us money now? Do you think the UN will slap the hands of other nations if they don’t pour in the dollars? What will happen next? I guess we will have to stay tuned for more information.

I am donating money to the victims and I hope many of you will too. Until then, most of you live in the Midwest. Be glad you do, because we don’t get no hurricanes out here. Just tornadoes. But those are fun!!!

