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September 8, 2004

Hidey ho you MFERS you. Welcome to the Journal for today. We are only three days away from September 11th and you know how depressing that day is. We reflect on where we were that day, how we were feeling, and the fear that consumed most of us. Well not Michael Jae. I will be on my way to St. Louis celebrating 11 years of joy with my girlfriend.

It’s not that I don’t care about 9/11, it is just it is getting so played out. 3,000 Americans died, yes. The biggest attack on American soil, yes. We thought it was only possible in the movies, yes. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. The way our media showcases it makes you feel they are using the day to invoke emotion rather than let Americans deal with it on their own in their own way. How many more memorials are we going to have for this sad day? Are we going to drain all the emotion out of it? How newsworthy is a yearly funeral for many unfortunate Americans who lost their lives for no reason?

The answer was simple. Go into Afghanistan, find Bin Laden, leave. However, 9/11 has opened the door to our President ordering an invasion of a country who posed a threat to us back in the early 90’s. 9/11 has become the reason for many of our troops, at least 1,000 dying in Iraq for as Madeline Albright put it “a war of choice, not a war of necessity.” Should we look back at 9/11 as a sad day? Yes not only because 3,000 people died, but our country became one step closer to becoming a dictatorship of it’s own.

George W. Bush for all intensive purposes is a stupid man. You can tell it when he tries to speak, you can tell it when he attempts to tell the American people he has a great plan for Medicare, and it is no secret that Georgie Porgie is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Nevertheless, the American people trust him to make important decisions regarding our country. However, can we really believe that this simple man whose belief in God is unparallel is the mind behind the whole Iraq war? Let’s look at Cheney and Rumsfeld. Here are two people who were part of the Geroge Bush episode 1. They were upset we pulled out of Iraq in the first gulf war. They sat and waited for years to attack Iraq. Rumsfeld and his boy Wolfowitz even wrote a letter to President Clinton in 98 stating that Saddam Hussein needed to be taken out and that we needed to control the country. This is part of a group that all three people as well as many other political superstars like Dan Quayle and Jeb Bush were signed on with. So it is obvious for military purposes, Rummy and Wolffie wanted in on this. They may of felt it was in the best interests of the country in their bloodthirsty minds, but if you read other parts of that site, it may be for a whole new purpose.

Let’s look at Mr. Cheney now, whose daughter is gay. It makes me giddy when I say that because that is so against everything President Bush stands for. Anyway this man was the CEO of a huge oil company before he became Vice President in 2000. Maybe that’s why he had all the heart attacks. Couldn’t hack it. Anyhoo, this man was in charge of a huge oil company. Oh yeah, he still gets checks from them. I’m not going to get into this. Common sense should spell shit out for you there.

Bottom line, these reasons are reason enough why we need to get out there and vote in November. This has given me clear reason enough to register and vote. I am calling on all you hippie protesters, make sure you get out there and vote. Will things change with John Kerry considering the fact the man doesn’t know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck? The man voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it? It is a risk I am willing to take as an American, and I hope many others are as well.

Really quick, other stuff to talk about.

The Michael Jae Project will be on TWO TIMES this coming Thursday. Can’t wait. The new episode and midnight and the old episode that never was shown except for one day, that was this past Saturday. We have part 1 of a kick ass Fear Factory interview, and some other cool shit.

I am thinking about getting back into the band booking arena for ONE TIME ONLY. It would be strictly for fund raising and food gathering purposes for Christmas. I am looking at four bands in a place somewhere in the Northwest suburbs and it will be some fun stuff. This is not a for sure thing. I am thinking it over.

We are looking for a studio audience as well. Come on out and check out the project.

That is all I have to say for now. I will talk to yous later.

