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September 17, 2005
You Can Do It Ozzie
Hello everyone and welcome to the Journal. This week: baseball.

So in a dramatic turn of events, the Chicago White Sox who have been drunk since All Star Break have watched their lead over the AL Central shrink from 13 games to 4 ½ games. Scary shit, considering the Cleveland Indians will be playing the team six more games, and can very well steal the division from them.

History has pointed out that Chicago teams do not do well in these kinds of situations. In fact if most Sox fans remember it was just two years ago in 2003 when the Twins were 2 games behind the Sox and stole the thunder while they went to the big dance in the playoffs. And Cub fans, well besides the fact your team just plain sucks, they have mastered the art of choking quite like a school girl slut taking on a ten inch cock. We can also look back to the dreary year of 2000 when the Sox were the hottest team in baseball, made the playoffs, only to get swept by the Seattle Mariners.

But fellow Sox fans let’s not look to the past. Let’s concentrate on the future. The truth of the matter is that the Sox have fared very well against the Indians this year. And although C.C. Sabathia, with his stupid looking hat always tilted, has given the Sox a hard time this year, he will get his ass rocked by our boys. I mean come on. If anyone has been watching the mJp this year, you’ll remember it was the Indians who we played in the opener and I filmed some of their dumb fans crying about how the Indys will be in the playoffs and the Sox won’t.

I honestly believe the Sox can do it, and I am not a baseball expert. However there are some keys to victory the Sox and the Ozzman Cometh must follow in order to achieve victory.

Forget about the second half of the season
Yes we all know. The Sox looked like the Cubs the second half of the season. It happens. Baseball is crazy and the world champions can look like the worst team every once in a while. Look at the Yankees. At the beginning they were sucking out loud. Now they may very well run away with the Wild Card. The Sox need to look ahead in how we can win the 10+ games we have left. What mistakes did we make and how can we correct them? Not how we should have not dropped the ball in right field when we played the Royals and shit like that.

Stay with what you know, not what you don’t
Ozzie is a great manager, but he is a player before that. So he wants to give all his new guys chances to play on the field. If we want to win games, we need to see him use these people to give breaks only to the guys who need rest. Not give these guys a shot at glory. A.J. Pierzynski is awesome. Only use Widger once in a while to back him up. We get more out of A.J. than Chris Widger. Use Everett as a DH, because Rowand is awesome in center, we know Scotty P can run, and JD can hit. Timo is a good substitute for them every now and then, but we need to see these three play outfield as much as possible. If we had Frank for DH, then we could get Carl out there, but we know he can hit. It is all about keeping people in there who are familiar and play a lot.

If a pitcher is blowing it, pull him
One of the things Ozzie has done better than other managers is show confidence in his pitchers. Most of the pitching staff has gone 6-8 innings this year even when they are blowing the game because Ozzie likes to show them he believes in them. I ask Ozzie the question what is more important? Impressing you pitcher or getting the W? Garcia should have been pulled in the 4th the other night and he stayed in until the 6th. Hermanson should have been pulled after those two hits, but he wasn’t. Grant it, it not entirely his fault the game was blown, but if he didn’t pitch the ball Berrora hit, Dye couldn’t have fucked up the play. This may be should have, could have, but learn from it, ya know? We have a decent bullpen. With Marte putting the drama aside, and the good stuff we have been seeing from Bobby Jenks, we can still take this thing.

Don’t talk to the media unless you have to
One thing Ozzie has done that I feel hurts his team is when he starts talking to the media around crunch time. Everyone remembers when Tori Hunter railroaded Jamie Burke last year and how does Ozzie react? “I like the Twins, they play good baseball.” WTF?????? He should have said “fuck Tori Hunter, he thinks he has an enemy? He has a big one now.” No but seriously. Don’t give the opponent props. Then when the Sox are fucking up you don’t say to the media “they stink and I don’t know what I am going to do with them.” You can say that shit behind closed doors, but not to the media. I feel it is kind of self defeating. I love Ozzie. He is the greatest. But he needs to think about this sometimes.

Kick Mark Buerhle’s ass
OK. I don’t know what happened here, but Mark needs to do something next game. I felt that same way about Johnny G, but he really stepped it up last night. He did give up 6 hits, but only one of those hits was an R. So he performed well, and the defense was there. The offense was a little week, but we got the job done. We need to see what we did there and repeat it to weasel our way into an AL Central Championship. Back to Buerhle. Mark needs to be the leader he was earlier. All this talk about the lasers in Texas, and self loathing bullshit needs to stop. He can be a kick ass pitcher and now he needs to show it, which brings me to the next topic.

Let McCarthy in!!!!
Brandon McCarthy is a rook, but a damn good one. Sure when he started against teams in the first half, he did not that great, but the kid has over 30Ks in the eight games he pitched and he is doing ten times better than El Duque has. Let’s see if this kid can bring it home. I know I said earlier use what you know, and what I know is Orlando Hernandez has sucked since All Star Break. He is 2-6 in his last ten starts and today we use him against Johan Santana (who has been kicking the Sox ass since he has been a Twin). If he doesn’t come through today, dump his ass. Although, when Hernandez has been criticized, he usually rises up. But McCarthy was the talk of the town during Spring Training and we need to see that magic again.

I think these are important and if we can go back to where we were, we can still take this damn thing. I would love it and I urge all Sox fans to still have faith and cheer them on. Last night’s win was a big one, and we need to see more of that. I have been a Sox fan for life, and will continue so. Whether they are winning or losing and they have given us a hell of a year. Now we can only hope for a happy ending.

And to the Cub fans. Especially the ones who have called or e-mailed me to say “the Sox are dead.” Our team could have one victory for the entire year, and we would still be a better team than the fucking Cubs. Look at your poor excuse for a team. How many times have you guys lost to the Reds and Rockies? A lot more than we have lost to the Royals since all you fuckers sit here and say “you lost to the worst team in baseball.” DUMB FUCKS!!!!! Fuck the Cubs. Send their ass to Kankakee. The White Sox are the best team in Chicago and in the world. We win or die trying, while the Cubs…well, they just die.

GO SOX!!!!!
