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September 19, 2004

Hi everyone. Today is a day of thoughts and contemplation.

OK, remember last time I said I was going to do a show. Well, I think it is time to do one and I have my eye on a couple of bands as well as venues. The trick is that the venue must be in the MJP viewing area. I would like to do this during the Christmas season to raise some money and food for homeless and shit. So if any of you dear readers have any good ideas for bands you might like to see, place you would want to go, or whatever, hit me up. Go to the website and leave me a message. I am thinking about contacting some old friends that are still talking to me despite the fact I gave up the whole Ranger thing.

Also, we are going to be doing a LIVE edition of MJP at the Xactek game room in Schaumburg in October sometime so keep in touch for that. Xactek is a cool place to play computer games and my friend Andy owns it. Check it out if you get a chance. It is on the corner of Schaumburg Rd and Springinsguth Rd.

We are getting ready to release episode five this Thursday and we have some cool stuff going on. I would like to get some feedback from you guys that have watched MJP and see what you think. Are we going in the right direction? SRTV better? Whatever. I want to hear from you guys.

Now, the last Monday Morning Regime is this Monday on WCRX at 7am and you can listen to the show via my website. I am going to miss the show. Myself and CC are very sad to leave. We have had our good times and bad times and tomorrow should be an emotional show. Try to listen if you get a chance.

Now let’s talk about some pop culture items and shit.

It wasn’t bad enough that Nelly had to release one new album. He had to go release TWO new albums. Sweat and Suit. Damn it. You know, I would like to give that bitch a reason to wear a band aid under his eye.

Whitney Houston put on such a commanding performance at the World Music Awards this past weekend. Too bad it was nothing compared to the performance she gave on 20/20 last year.

The Emmys are tonight and Sex is too shitty (Sex in the City) has three actresses going at it for best supporting actress. I love it. They are being nominated for starring in a show where they go at with guys and act like four sluts. Yeah, Sarah Jessica Parker is nominated too. Did you see that Gap commercial with her and Lenny Kravitz? How do you wear it the commercial asks. It should ask “how do you bear it?”

Speaking of the Emmys, GO SOPRANOS!!!!!!

Martha Stewart says she is ready to go to jail. Well Martha my bitchy little homemaking friend, I really don’t think the law gives a shit whether you are ready or not, and neither do we.

And a final ELECTION DAY note. I love the fact that our presidential candidates are defending their war records and using special interest groups to defraud each other. John Kerry served in Vietnam, GW served in Texas for the National Guard. Well guess what, my grandfather served in WWII, my other grandfather served in Korea, and my father served for Vietnam too. Well, he was in Kentucky or Tennessee or some shit like that, but Goddamn it he was in! This campaign needs to be about current issues, and not this bullshit. You rarely hear about the issues that need to be addressed other than the occasional rhetoric about Iraq. This is one of the most important elections in our history and it needs to be about hard issues, not flimsy bullshit like who did a better job in the armed forces. Thank you.

That’s all I have to say. Talk at you later.

