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September 24, 2006
Hello Again
Hey kiddies sorry I have been gone for a while. My computer has been shitty. So hello again peoples.

First of all, thank you all to the people who signed back up on my mailing list. Lots of love and appreciation to you people. If you haven’t done it yet, you can by putting your e-mail into the box on the front page.

I hope everyone is enjoying the new look of the mJp. Always love to hear your suggestions, and shit like that. Feel free to call me at 224-636-4MJP if you want or e-mail me.

Now I want to talk about the White Sox. If looks like they are going to go down at the hands of the Twins and Tigers, and it is sad. However, in my opinion there are many different ways to talk about this so we will do that right now.

First I would like to take the Chris Rongey approach. Mr. all smiles and full of optimism. Here is a team who had three guys hit right around the 40 mark in home runs. Four guys on the team hit over 100 RBIs. All the pitchers got double digit victories, and attendance for the Sox this year completely destroyed all other records for the Cell.

Now I want you to think about how gay that sounds.

OK so now let’s kick the shit. All of the stuff above was all well and good but when you have a teams who’s starting pitching is not strong as it was the year before, you have a rookie in center field who is hitting like crap (grant it he may of hit 300 since the All Star Break but that doesn’t matter), and you have inconsistent fielders, you are going to come up a loser.

Are the expectations too high for the White Sox going in this year? Did we Sox fans put them on a higher pedestal than we should have? I would have to say yes we did, but when you get a monster like Thome, a decent pitcher like Vasquez, and you have this supposed work in progress in the bullpen like McCarthy (who did very well last season, like the rest of the team and Chicago media will tell you 500 times a day), you expect great things to happen. Like a playoff push perhaps, which although not mathematically impossible, in the realm of how great the fucking Twinkies have been playing, seems very unlikely.

The year started off great and since the All Star Break, the Sox have been on a downward spiral which makes a regular season of the Cubs look like a playoff team. OK maybe that is a little strong, but I can honestly say I am so disappointed with how the Sox played during this past month. I can remember when I came back from Vegas how excited I was to see they were 3 back from the Tigers. I remember how excited I got when they took two out of three from the Angels. But after that, I don’t know if someone brought a bong into the clubhouse or what, but they died!

I will still remain a White Sox fan no matter what, but now for some parting shots at the team before they ride off into the sunset without even getting into the damn playoffs.

To Neal Cotts, since when did you become the American Leagues personal batting cage. You gave up so many runs this year; I would think you were sitting on the toilet for the season. You partner in crime from last year Politte took and early exit, maybe it’s time for you to too. Gave up two home rums back to back against Seattle today. Jesus!

To Juan Uribe, did you forget how to play shortstop? You committed 13 errors this year and those are only the ones that counted as errors? How many times did you blow a double play because you threw the ball too wild?

To Scott Posednik, I know this may seem like a foreign concept to you this year, but the idea is for you to get on base. That is your job. You said it yourself during the WSDVD. You barely got on base this year and furthermore, you didn’t steal as much as you did last year and you committed more errors this year as well. I guess we have to give you a pass because you hurt yourself at the beginning but what happened after July? You were in one the worst slumps in baseball history.

To Mark Buehrle, speaking about WTF, here is a guy who made it to the All Star team and said he didn’t deserve to be there. Well I will agree with that, but where is that confidence Mark? Where is that attitude that you are going to go in there and fuck someone up? What happened? Maybe you want to go to St. Louis, maybe you don’t. I don’t know. Whatever!

To Magglio Ordonez and Frank Thomas, FUCK YOU BOTH!!!!! Your awesome playing in the games the Sox played against you in September enabled you to crush their chances to get into the playoffs. I respect you both and loved you when you guys were on the Sox, but for now, fuck you!

To Carl Everett, so you were right for once in your life. How does it feel to be right? Also how does it feel to be on a last place team as well?

And my biggest shot would have to go to Kenny Williams. You schmuck. You had a chance to grab Soriano, someone who would have made a difference and you blew it, why? Because you wanted to keep Brandon McCarthy, the “future of the team” that you used a total of 52 times and you let him start one time. You kept his ass in the bullpen and this guy cost us big games against Oakland and Tampa Bay. Meanwhile, our boy Soriano is hitting 40 home runs and 40 stolen bases in Washington and I understand you were thinking long term, but didn’t you say at the beginning of the season, that you were going to treat this season like the Sox didn’t win the World Series. So instead of going out there and getting someone to help the team (Mike McDougal was a good pickup I thought, but they needed more), you sit on your hands and turn off your cell phone. Good job Kenny. Furthermore, you go with a rookie like Brian Anderson, who developed over the season, but when you are going for a repeat of the World Series, you don’t put a rookie in as a starter! You could have went out there and got someone, but instead you were so content that you brought the city a title, it didn’t matter. I tell you what Kenny, while you’re out there playing golf and removing the bat that Frank Thomas stuck up your ass after you disrespected him, think about all of us Sox fans that were extremely disappointed by these two moves you made. (The Thomas thing pissed off everyone, I am guilty of knocking on him too, but I will always appreciate what he did for the Sox when he was one of them.)

And to the Sox organization for laying down at the end and letting Detroit, Oakland, and even Seattle nail the coffin shut and burying the White Sox for the season. (Kudos to Ozzie for his statements about the team last week.)

Yes it was a winning season, and I shouldn’t be bitter. The Sox are not on their way to losing a 100 like the Cubs. The Sox don’t have steroid issues in their team. And most importantly, the Sox will always have the best fans in this city because we stick by our team through thick and thin. We will get pissed at them, we will make fun of them for fucking up, but never will we ever EVER root for some other loser ass team in this city if they are 20 games ahead in their division. We have loyalty! Hey Cub fans, where was your loyalty when your team was losing 28 to 29 games in one month, or whatever it was.

By the way kudos the White Sox for being the White Sox and I hope Contreras gets better soon. AJ keep on doing what you are doing you’re awesome, thank you Freddy for trying to get the job done, to the big 3, thanks for the memories, and to everyone else, let’s kick everyone’s ass next year. We don’t wait for it. Waiting is for Cub fans.

There I am done. Welcome me back to the internet stoners!

