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September 27, 2005
Mother Nature is Menstruating
Hello everyone and welcome to the journal. It has been a trying week for many down south once again as Hurricane Rita has swept southeastern Texas and almost sent all the inhabitants of the Astrodome into frenzy complete with rape, looting, and everyone’s favorite, killing. Yet this time, they are in Texas and this isn’t your good old happy go lucky Mardi Gras type place. No, as they say on the shirts, don’t fuck with Texas. Actually it is not as crude as that, but I choose to be crude so there.

I am still asking myself why all these people committed the crimes against the law, humanity, and God in New Orleans. Please don’t give me the whole “nobody came” story. I am not asking what was done to stop it. I am asking what caused the mess in the Superdome in the first place. But forget about that. Let’s concentrate on something more important here.

The riot in the dome is a mess that could have been controlled better than mother nature taking a large sneeze on the Gulf Coast. When it comes to storms and natural disasters, the only thing one can do is pray. And if the storm let’s you survive, you need to be strong, pick up the pieces in your life, and pray those good hands you are in are working magic for you. You need to be strong and try to live one day at a time. There is no way to defeat a storm.

In the wars in the past, we were able to go to toe to toe with our enemies and it would be a fight to the finish. In the case of Hurricane Katrina, the Tornadoes in Utica last year, or the ever infamous Tsunami that hit Asia, there is no weapon that can defend you except for your feet, and the chances of outrunning 200 mph winds is not very likely.

This will tell you that some things in life cannot be defeated. But you can defend yourself. For one, don’t be like some of those hicks in New Orleans and when the authorities tell you BIG FUCKING STORM HEADED THIS WAY don’t be proud. Don’t get brave. Don’t get the “this here is my home for 60 years and I am staying here” attitude. Find cover and do the best you can to stay alive.

I made a joke recently that God sent the hurricane in retaliation to Mardi Gras. I am sure that he sent a hurricane to Houston in order to prove a point. Tell me Texas wasn’t more prepared for a hurricane than Orleans and I will call you a crack baby. I believe that we need to practice a healthy life spiritually and need to do unto others and we would like them to do to us. I am a huge believer in karma, and I can site examples.

Well, that is all. I will talk to you all soon. Make sure you listen this Thursday to 98.3 if you live in Lake County.

