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October 2, 2004

Hello all you kiddies out there in zombie land. Welcome to the journal.

So we all just witnessed the first presidential debate of 2004 and I got to tell you. I was not impressed by either one of the candidates. Bush seemed like he was irritated, and Kerry lacked the stones to say things the way they were. Kerry is going on TV claiming he won the debate. I’m sorry pal, but buckling on the assault against Bush is hardly what I would call a victory.

Truth be told, Kerry brought up some real good points. I liked the whole “pottery barn” scenario he used. Every time Bush kept saying Kerry can’t lead by saying “wrong war, wrong place, wrong time,” Kerry should have reminded us more that this wasn’t his decision. He says that the war is wrong, but why does he say we need to stay there? He says we need to finish what’s left of Iraq. Why? Is this his way of swinging Bush voters to his side? He waited until the third time to say I’m not the one who started this war, but we need to finish it.

Kerry was calling Bush a liar, but he was being a pussy about it. He was so scared that Bush would come back at him for one of his flip-flops. Well, let it be known that Bush has changed his mind about stuff too. First we went into Iraq to get the WMDs, then we went to liberate the Iraqis from the evil dictator, then we went to rebuild, then WMDs, then Saddam. I would like to say to everyone that says “don’t you think the world is better off without Saddam?” Sure, the world would be better off without Dave Matthews, but you don’t see anyone with a pooper scooper trying to get rid of him do you?

Point being, getting rid of Saddam may have been the best thing for Iraq, and maybe the world in some sense. Yet, we did not accomplish the mission we set out to do in Afghanistan. Our goal was to capture Bin Laden and instead of taking care of that, we dumped all our money and soldiers into Iraq. Kerry was on the right track, but he needed to say that this war was about oil and money. Bottom line. He needs to stop pussyfooting, unless his policy on Iraq is the same as Bush’s. Maybe that is why he doesn’t want to attack Bush. Maybe Kerry agrees with him on many issues.

Yes I know, it may be ignorant to make a statement like that. However, when Kerry’s stance on Iraq is as blurry as how this election is going to turn out, it is hard to take him at his word. The whole election he is saying “I can do better.” How? How are you going to do better? He said look at John So I did.

There is not laid out plan on John Kerry’s website. Instead it was just a bunch of quotes from the other night. I really want to see how he thinks we will survive without mid east oil. They say they will develop “new resources.” With what, a Lego set. Anything is possible. I do not completely doubt the man since with technology anything is possible, but this sounds crazy. Sounds like what we want to hear, right? He's a politician. That is his job. To say what we want to hear and make us believe him. All I have to say is put your balls on and knock this dumb ass president out of the box Kerry. I am voting for you only because you are the only candidate with a chance to beat Bush. I want to see it and it isn’t going to happen if you keep being so polite to the man. Bust his balls and make his ass sorry he ever fucked with this great country of ours.

In other news, I am not a fan of reality TV. However, the Apprentice kicks ass. It is a good show. I want to see the women beat the hell out of each other. It is getting to that point. I believe that they should do a suck off contest with Donald. Whoever gives the best head wins. I’m kidding. The only woman on that show that doesn’t have the intelligence of one of the chips in Trump’s Taj Mahal and the ego of the entire building is Jennifer the attorney. She’s a OK. I think she is taking this seriously and not acting for the camera like the other dumb bitches are. She could very well win. Sorry to sound like a goof.

I can’t remember if I mentioned this but James Gandolfini and Edie Falco were ROBBED! They should have won their Emmys.

I am done with the Regime. So until I find a gig, no more radio.

I hope many of you can join us for the taping of episode 6 this Monday. Please go to the MJP portion of the site for directions. Talk to you all soon.

