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October 13, 2004

Hello kiddies. Welcome to the Jae Journal. This month, fireworks!!!!

Christopher Reeve has died and it is sad and as usual, our media is doing wall-to-wall coverage. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, I guess.

Speaking about jokes, those worthless fucking Minnesota Twins lost to the Yankees. That is great news. Every time the Twins go out to Chicago, their moronic fans follow them. They a hold signs up that say “circle me Bert.” Maybe Bert can circle a box of Kleenex for all you Twin fans to use.

While we are on the subject of baseball, great job of leaving that game early Sammy. You are like the rest of the Cub fans out there. Quitters. Look how fast the Cub fans turned on their superstar team when they choked that last week. I can’t blame them. Cubs management sucks ass, and they don’t give a shit about their fans anyway. As far as Sosa goes, he gets docked a day pay. Give me a break. He should be thrown off the fucking team.

Eminem is making fun of Michael Jackson. Does that really surprise anyone? Do you think Hallie is a fan of Michael? Is Kim the one for him? Will the ICP ever get their revenge against this sun visor wearing, bleach blond, tattoo wearing, piece of shit? Tune into the next episode of Lost: the story of Marshall Mathers life? PS, Eminem is the abortion that his mother was too drunk to have.

Howard Stern is going on Sirius Satellite Radio in 2006 for $100,000,000. Can Donald Trump possibly go above that amount to keep him off the air? This man has done the same old same old for the past 5 years. No sign of improvement in the air. To give this man that much money for a service people will have to pay for is completely ludicrous. Grant it he may be popular, and that he will have no strings attached to him, who’s to say that will change? Like the Tonight Show, this is putting the cart way before the horse. How do we know the FCC won’t govern the satellite waves by then? You want to hear someone swear like a crazy man? Watch MJP. As long as you have cable, it’s free.

And that does it. Get ready for an insane Halloween show coming.

