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October 16, 2005
Soxtober 2005
Well peeps, it is without a doubt one of the greatest days of my life.

When I was 5, I became a Sox fan. Since then I have waited to see the Sox in the World Series. In 1983 almost, 1993, close but not there, 1994 on strike, 2000 nope but now THE CHICAGO WHITE SOX ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!

I believed since day one that the Sox were going to do it. Even in our darkest hour towards the end of September we were on the brink of a collapse that made the Cubs look lucky, I knew the Sox would pull through. But never did I expect a sweep of the Red Sox, and then Buehrle, Garland, Garcia, and now Contreras all pulling complete games in a row against a team who gave the Sox so much trouble during the year. Revenge is sweet and Cali can put their stupid fucking rally monkey back in the zoo where it belongs.

Oh my God, Paulie Konerko hitting those two homeruns, Crede coming up big in those hits in the end of games 2 and 5, the defensive plays of Rowand and Uribe, and who can’t forget about A.J. The name many in California will scream over the winter. The Cub fans have Bartman, the Angel fans have A.J. Holy shit!!!!

And now I would like to take this time to address some people…

First to all the media, who didn’t pay attention to the White Sox. Especially the Chicago media who wanted to suck off the Cubs all year long and now find themselves running through puddles of champagne in Anaheim. I am sure you guys are happy you were wrong, but never mistake the Sox for the Cubs ever again. Sox fans don’t believe in curses, we just believe in our team.

To the Cub fans at the River 95.9. Please be kind enough to throw out that shitty commercial you guys put together to mock the Sox supposed fall from grace.

To all the haters on the J Streetzine message board. I know it sucks to be wrong, but you are wrong, so fuck you. See that Outlaw. Now I am talking shit. SOX FUCKING RULE. OZZIE FUCKING RULES!!!! RIGHT FUCKING ON!!!! PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!!! It is never too late to cheer for the Sox so maybe it is time to drop the red and blue and come on over to the silver and black.

To my brother, told you so.

To my co-employees at work, told you guys so too.

To Gary and Joey. I told you guys it wouldn’t matter if we go to the west, because just always remember the Sox are the best.

To the Yankee fans, you’re welcome.

And to the Cub fans who belittled Sox fans for months. It has been only 50+years for us and still 88 and counting for you. Who is the best team in Chicago now? You all yelled at us, made fun of us, and now the Sox bring the World Series to Chicago and you want to say “oh we are Chicago fans now.” Bitch ass pussies. Well, if you want to cheer for the Sox, please leave all goats, Steve Bartman, Ronnie Woo Woo and any other of your ridiculous little baseball things at home.

The one reason why I love this is because the 2005 Chicago White Sox can be an inspiration to anyone. I feel I can relate because many people doubt my skills as far as getting into the media. Well, like the Sox, I feel I have the talent, skills, drive, determination to succeed in this business, and succeed I will. Just like our Sox are going to the World Series, despite what all the haters have said.

And once we are there. I don’t know if it will be St Louis, I don’t know if it will be Houston. But I know one thing. It is our time and those two teams should step the fuck off because it is time for Chicago to shine. We are in the World Series and we can only hope the Sox do one thing, and one thing only. WIN OR DIE TRYING!!!!

Sox fan since ’82,

PS:Sox fans say what you think

Read what people say
Sign your life away!!!