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October 21, 2004

Welcome to the Jae Journal. This week let’s take a look of this political mess that we call the election and look at all the crap associated with it.

First off, let’s not look at the wives here. Teresa Heinz Kerry said that Laura Bush never had a real job in her life. Grant it, Heinz Kerry may not be the most stable person in the world, but for the republicans to use this as a way to gain ground in the election is absolute bullshit. According to ABC News, all Bush staffers found the nearest reporter they could find to tell them the gleeful news. This Republican Party comes down to one word, insecurity.

Then there is the 527’s that you will hear every conservative talking head talk about. During Hannity and Colmes, Sean Hannity was blasting a group called ACT for showing a flyer that depicted a black man being sprayed with a hose. Next to the picture was a caption saying “this is how they stopped African Americans from voting” and there is a caption saying “this is how they are stopping them now.” Hannity was trying to trick the viewers by saying this is what is going to happen. Grant it is not a subtle way to get a message across, but it does get attention. Lately, our boy Sean’s voice is getting louder and he is cutting off more people by the minute. Is he frustrated that the man he has strongly supported is becoming more transparent to the American people? That he is not the great champion that this puppet of Fox News thinks. I like Sean as a person and as an entertainer, but I need to question his judgments sometimes. “Look into that camera and call President Bush a liar,” “I want you to denounce the Democratic Party,” “give me back my fruit loops.” Kind of reminds you of the tag along kid who used to defend you, but you didn’t need their help.

The Republicans are also adamant about bringing up the so called democratic conspiracy on how Kerry is trying to convince the public that Bush is going to reinstate a draft, and that there will be a surprise for seniors at the beginning of the year regarding Medicare. I don’t think that is completely true. The number of soldiers for Iraq is too high for normal standards. First off, we have no business being there, and when a real problem presents itself, where are we going to find soldiers? Maybe if the Republican Party is so adamant that being in Iraq is the right thing to do, they can send their families there to cut the military’s loss. About seniors, Kerry can accuse the man of whatever he wants. I believe the republicans have accused Kerry of being a terrorist sympathizer. Cheney said a vote for Kerry is a vote for terrorism. Bush said Kerry couldn’t keep us safe. What Kerry said affects one group of people, senior citizens. Grant it, without proof of his allegation it is definitely a scare tactic as the right professes. However, Bush and Cheney’s comments affect EVERYONE, and the safety of our nation. Those are real scare tactics.

Bottom line, this election although many call it the most important, is a fucking joke. We have two candidates whose bloodline goes back. Both were parts of secret societies, and although I have to give Kerry props for fighting in Vietnam, neither one of them has worked a day in their life. How can they relate to hard working Americans when everything has been given to them? These campaigns had barely touched issues, but have been the ultimate mudslinging contest. Bush is a straight up liar or is just in denial, and Kerry seems to be full of shit. The debates have been more or less of a puppet show for all the Americans to believe in. I am not voting for Kerry, I am simply voting against Bush. In life, when something doesn’t work, you try another way. And that is what I am for.

Mr. President, and I use that term loosely, has said that look at Kerry’s record. Voted for tax increases over 200 times, voted to cut intelligence budgets, blah, blah, blah. John Kerry has been in this game for 30 years and in 30 years, some mistakes and miscalculations will occur. However, George W Bush has been our president for 4 years, and in those 4 years, our economy is on the downswing, jobs have been lost, we are in a war that dates back 11 years ago, and one of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of man happened on his watch. Is it his fault that the attack happened? No. But once again, it happened on his watch. Is it fair for GW to attack a man’s record when his record is one with scratches when the needle won’t even play it? I guess we’ll see what the American people think on November 2nd when this circus freak show of an election is over.