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October 26, 2005
Hail to the SOX!!!!!

This is your good friend and faithful Sox fan Michael Jae hoping up and down with joy as the Sox win the World Series and all I have to say is it is a good day to be a Sox fan today.

We went into Houston, into their stupid ass funhouse of a stadium and shut them down. I will have to say that the fans in Houston are much goofier than Cub fans. The South Side runs this mother fucker right now, so Cub fans. You can learn to love it, or you can stew about it. But the Sox are the 2005 Champions.

Dusty Baker is a jealous little cockknocker. He said in an interview that he doesn’t support the Sox run. What’s wrong Dusty? Just because you are a total suck ass manager that can bring your team to a little league World Series let alone a championship game you have to be a hater like many Cub fans out there. For instance, the typical Cub fans are saying that the Sox can’t fill the seats. Well maybe not, but we can put a World Series title flag up this year. Can you??? When a fan interferes in our game (i.e. Paul Konerko trying to catch the foul ball in game 3 and some stupid hillbilly fuck knocked it down) we don’t cry. We don’t bitch. We don’t threaten people. We just go out there and win.

Everyone said the Sox will choke. I’m sorry you fucking bitches, you must have them confused with a team on the north side.

Game 1 was unbelievable when Crede hit the homer. Game 2 was crazy style when Konerko hit the grand slam followed by the save by Scotty in the 9th. Game 3 was too fucking long, but worth staying awake for a getting two hours sleep to see a “White Sox Winner.” Game 4 ended exactly how the 2005 season began. A Sox winner 1-0. It was without a doubt a great season. The Sox are the champs.

See I didn’t want to talk too much shit until this happened, and now that it did, think of me as an asshole exploding with diarrhea daddy-o. THE SOX RULE!!!

I remember how people laughed at me when I said the Sox will take the AL this year. There was only one point where I doubted, and that was when the Sox lost 8-0 to the Indians in game 3 of that important series. But I still believed and the Sox kicked ass the rest of the way all the way to the championship sweeping two teams in the playoffs and dropping one to the dreaded west coast.

Houston’s ballpark sucks. There were only two “killer b’s” in this series. Blum and the bullpen. To hell with Biggio, Bagwell, and all the other shitbirds who’s last name began with a B on that stupid ass team. The Sox got a bad call in game 3 when Lane hit the homer, that didn’t make the yellow line or some silly ass shit like that. BUT THEY STILL WON!!!! The Sox are the champs.

Cub fans, it isn’t too late to turn in your stupid ass hats with the C that stands for choke and get your silver and black gear. THE SOX ARE THE CHAMPS!!!!!

Twin and Indians fans, SUCK IT!!!!!!!!

To Jerry Reinsdorf, don’t even think about trading PK next year. Hey guess what? You had one dynasty, how’s about building another one?

To Ozzie, you are my hero. To the rest of the team, thank you for a great season.

I am so sorry FOX that your darling Yankees and Red Sox sucked dick this year and that a team who deserves the win was the team of the year. A team who doesn’t abuse steroids. A team who isn’t filled with overpaid egomaniacs. A team that represents all the hardworking people in the city and suburbs of Chicago, and the official team of the mJp. THE SOX ARE THE CHAMPS!!!!!

I am so happy that this happened. I want to hear what you guys have to say!!! Click on this link and show the White Sox some love.


