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October 28, 2006
Bring the Shit Back Home
Hello there. Welcome to the journal. Here is your good friend Michael Jae here to bust on a couple of items.

Item number 1, are there way too many steroid abusers in football? I would like to say yes. In the last two weeks, we have seen three players Mark Lehr of the Falcons, Shaun Rogers of the Lions, and now Shawne Merriman of the Chargers proving once again you don’t need to have a big dick to play football, just be huge everywhere else. Quite frankly, I find it extremely laughable that Merriman is appealing his four week suspension for steroids. What happened roid boy? You trip over and your ass fell on top of a syringe? Point being, I am sick of caring whether or not people do steroids because it has been happening since the dawn of time. Lyle Alzado ring a bell? He died of cancer and the roiding could have had something to do with it. Karma is a beautiful thing because it always bites people in the ass. Ask Macguire, Sosa, Palmiero. The bottom line is that they are only hurting themselves by doing the drugs, and when laxed policies are in place, it will continue. Until there is a lifetime ban on anyone who does roids, it will never stop, sadly.

Item number 2, will Bush just come out and say he and his administration royally fucked up the war against terrorism by spending most of the time, troops, and money in Iraq? Likely never. Instead, he wants to go on about how if the democrats get control of congress, all his tax cuts will be reversed. Yes for the rich. I have not seen one tax break for myself. In order to get the break, I need to be married and have kids, which goes right into the illusion of Bush’s 1950’s American Dream. He wants everyone to have a nice house, two kids, a wife who cooks, and for everyone to shut the fuck up and not ask questions. That is segregation against single tax payers. Furthermore, I am sick and tired about hearing how rich people deserve a tax break because they help build the economy. They help to build it by taking the poor’s money and doing God knows what with it. And the government is looking for ways to fuck the rich too. The government needs to stop involving itself in money affairs with its people. Too much taxing going on. Where are the tax breaks for people who are in the middle class? We cannot divide the middle into the low and high. Besides everything is good in moderation, right kiddies?

Item number 3, will the Bulls dominate? Will the Bears continue? My buddy Rock says the Bears go 0-4 in November. These are questions, which I would like to see your answers to?

And finally congrats to the Cardinals for managing to suck so bad, and still defeat those stupid ass Tigers, and bring a championship to St. Louie. I am sorry. Congrats to the Tigers for giving away the series to the Cardinals. Either way you slice it, if the Sox were still in it without giving it away to the Tigers and the shitty Twins, they would have repeated because they slaughtered the Cardinals earlier this year. Thank you.

And to all Cub fans, Pinella will not save your sorry asses. I can only think back to 2003 and remember how “Dusty” was going to lead the team to the promised land. I loved your autobiography on HBO “Wait Until Next Year: The Story of the Lousiest Losers, and the Moronic Fans That Follow Them.” Thanks for calling, have a great day.

