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October 30, 2005
Recycle the Cycle
And now, a new piece of literature written by your good friend, Michael Jae.

When I was 1, I waited to become two
Then what the hell was there to do?
Maybe I could start school when I was six
Learn math, spelling and other kinds of tricks

Then what happens, I turn ten, the big one o
Another decade of life begins so
What am I going to do, what happens next?
Will I learn about the streets, violence and sex?

Wait a minute, not so fast; you’re too young they say
Do your homework, eat your dinner and go away
I need to go to work, don’t have time for you today

So now I’m thirteen, ready for junior high
Eight periods a day, boy do I wish this day would fly
Stuck with a bunch of kids with a bad attitude
Learning new words like fuck, shit, and dude

So then three years later, I make it to high school
And here I am, thinking that I’m so cool
Screw education, I’d rather play football
Look at the girls, gotta get a number so I can call

Wait a minute, not so fast, your are too young you say
You don’t know women, or love, so you must stay away
I need to go to work, don’t have time for you today

So the team won state, it’s so great
So I’m number one, it’s a lot of fun
So I’m a hit, I’m the shit
So let’s go to a party and smoke some shit

First time I smoke, my eyes get red
Have a couple drinks, there’s a pain in my head
Senior year, my dick is erecting
Got a girl, now she’s expecting

Wanted to go to Yale, not to Lemmas class
Girl wants to keep it; she can go kiss my ass
Settle on DePaul, graduate on top
There is no way I am ever going to stop

Wait a minute, not so fast, you’re too young you say
You need to take it easy, so stay away
I need to go to work, don’t have time for you today

Join a huge law firm, gonna make some killer wage
Freed a vicious criminal, just turn the fucking page
Went to the deli, needed to eat something quick
“Hello may I help you?” oh shit that’s sick

It was crazy shit, that’s my girl from school
She had my daughter; the girl has just turned two
Sometimes moments in life just want to choke you
A fork in the road, don’t know which side to go to

Wait a minute, not so fast; you are too young you say
Oh never mind I think you can stay
There are some things about life you must learn today

Your mother and I met in high school
She was pretty hot, and I was a fool
You’ve been there so you know what I mean
She had you when she was sixteen
Then I went to college and worked things out
But raising kids wasn’t what I was about
So I left you with your mother, and then she died
So she left you here right by my side
So I see you followed the same road I took
You learned nothing from me, so you wrote your own book
If I had told you son be careful in what you do
You may be a better man, a better father too
Now the time comes for you to do what’s best
You be a dad to that girl, forget all the rest

Man dad why did you ever say this to me until now?
How the hell was I supposed to learn anything how?

I needed to provide for you, put food on the table, give you the things you need

Well dad you didn’t do that, you gave me more books to read
Do your homework, eat your dinner and go away
You don't know women; you don't know love, so stay away
You need to take it easy, so keep away
You told me you’re were too busy, just to go away
Away, away is where I am now
No hope in the world can save me in the point that I am right now
How can you save me father, how can you save me right now?

Son I can’t save you, but you must break the cycle
Your daughter can’t grow up like the people we have become
Go to the girl you knew in high school
Go raise your daughter to be the woman she should be, rather than the son that I was
…the son you were
Make peace with her mother; raise her to be an adult that is the only cure

Fine I will
For this I should kill
A father’s advice is never ignored like the presence of an unwanted child
For that I scold you father

I go to her house, open the door
I see red all over the floor
She sent herself to the dogs, or to the angels above
All because I couldn’t afford to give her love

I am a selfish asshole
I am worthless
My life isn’t worth spit
I am incomplete
I am not alive
My life isn’t worth shit

So I go into the bedroom and what do I see
My little girl sleeping, should I let her be?
I need to bring her into the world, and take care of her
Show her love, and be kind to her

“Hey daddy, I am two, but soon to be three
In about thirteen years, where will I be?
In high school where I will hopefully be making the grade
Or maybe I will get all coked up and join the ho bag parade”

Wait a minute, not so fast, you’re too young …

“I love you daddy.”

Happy Halloween y'all.


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