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November 9, 2006
Proud to Be American Again
So here we are, Election 2006 and I must say the fireworks did fly, and boy did they look well.

Thank goodness that Lisa Madigan is still in office, thank goodness that prune face Topinka is not, and thank goodness that twisted wretch Joe Burkett is not in office as well. Am I a huge supporter of G-Rod? Not really. He has his highlights, but he is still Rod.

However the tables turned in Washington like Hulk Hogan going down for a three count. The impossible has happened as control of congress has gone to the democrats. Now I am not a fan of democrats, nor am I for republicans. I believe the two party system is very tired and it would be nice if people ran on issues they believed in, not for the sake of their party’s belief. Nevertheless, it is a great day when many of the war hawks that were republicans are gone, and we’ll see what the democrats can do.

It will be nice to see a change in Congress. See what a new group of people can do. Will they make positive changes, or will they fuck things up worse? It will be interesting, but what will be more fun is watching Bush squirm because these people will not let him get away with lots of the bullshit he has gotten away with since he got into office. Listening to his press conference yesterday was a real treat. He knows the egg is on his face.

But the real cool thing that happened yesterday is that evil menace to humanity Rumsfeld quit. He is no longer Secretary of State. He is no longer is a position to put our troops at risk anymore. He is no longer in charge in how Iraq is handled. He needed to get lost for a long time now. Not to say Bob Gates is any better, but it is a change.

You see the theme this year is change. Hopefully we will change our ideas, our way of thinking, the way we treat people, and the way things work in this country. Maybe the middle class will stop getting the short end of the stick, maybe senior will get some Medicare benefits. Do I think things will be perfect? Not now, not ever. But maybe we can once again hold our heads up and say we are Americans, and we can be proud of the way things work once again.

