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November 13, 2004

Welcome to the Journal. First I would like to say congrats are in order. To everyone who voted W to win, nice work. You just fucked our country for the next four years. Hey, I’m not bitter. I hope our president doesn’t blow it like he did last term.

Speaking about presidents, Yasser Arafat died. How do you feel about it? I can tell you that I think here is a man who put his interests first and disguised that by saying he cared about Palestinians. This man helped bring terrorism to the world. I believe with him out of the way, we can hopefully see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Scott Petersen is GUILTY!!!!! Yea!!!!!! Fuck that wife killing, baby killing bitch.

I can’t believe Mark Geragos was nowhere to be found. He has a shitty track record lately. Lost this case, fired by Michael Jackson, hell if we get lucky maybe a bus will hit him. One last liar we need to worry about.

So 20/20 did a special about a man who stole money from charities to pay off celebrities who attend charity events. He fessed up and said he paid Gerald Ford $200,000 to accept a vase for an award. What a loser. Maybe if 20/20 wants to really turn up the volume, they can do a story on why John Stozel sucks ass. This guy is such a nerd. I don’t like. I like the way his mustache twitches when he thinks he has some worthwhile to say.

How bout them Bears? Two wins in a row. Let’s hope they can beat Tennessee this week.

So it is looking more and more like Mag’s time with the Sox is gone. Cub fans everywhere are calling for him to join the Cubs. That’s nice you morons. You already have one ambulance case in Nomar, I am sure one more will help your chances of blowing another wildcard race.

Chris Chelios is going to the Wolves. Right on.

Back to the Cubs, what a disgraceful organization. First they blow the wild card after the legion of Cub fans said to us Sox fans, “your asses will be watching us in the playoffs.” Then, Sammy Sosa doesn’t even want to play in the last game. Then, Steve Stone is most likely forced to resign, then to top it all off, a hand grenade is found in Wrigley. Face it, the Cubs suck, their management sucks. I am now recruiting all the Cub fans to come down to the Southside. Better yet, keep your goat loving asses up north. We don’t swing that way.

And finally, get ready for a crazy Christmas show. See you on the 27th in Schaumburger.

